Total votes: 12 (75%)
Total votes: 4 (25%)
Total votes: 16

Re: Music Vintage Year - 1994

first thought was 1994 all the way but I'm starting to waffle......

Jawbreaker - 24 Hour Revenge Therapy
Helmet - Betty
Godflesh - Selfless
Steel Pole Bath Tub - Some Cocktail Suggestions
godheadSilo - The Scientific Supercake L.P
Unsane - Total Destruction
Bailter Space - Vortura
Unwound-New Plastic Ideas

Violent Femmes - Hallowed Ground
This Mortal Coil - It'll End In Tears
Laurie Anderson - Mister Heartbreak
Lou Reed - New Sensations
Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense
Cocteau Twins - Treasure

Re: Music Vintage Year - 1994

Just a reminder the “1984” was a reference to “bad” not a comparative year…

I really should have just put Crap/Not Crap…
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

Re: Music Vintage Year - 1994

enframed wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:36 am
A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:03 am
Welcome to Sky Valley
Dog Man Star
Hell yes.

Orange by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star
Woah! That three album run up to Orange was incredible. If the had broken up then it would have been perfect. They were pretty big here in Australia. Boss Hog too.

Jet Set is the last regular studio album (not including the exploratory series) of Sonic Youth that I liked. To be fair I have never listened to WM all the way through. So guilty as charged there.

God there was so much great music in Sydney in ‘94.
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....


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