by Dovira
Reza Negarestani : Cyclonopedia (2008)
Revolves around the idea of oil as a sentient being whose murky intentions have been able to realize themselves by means of capital. Therefore this being is also the driving force behind the wars of the Middle East. The fact that oil itself has its origins in death (organic material buried and compressed over aeons), is significant to this.
The drilling after oil, boring holes in the Earth and so on, is described as a subject-less process, in such a way that it takes a while to realize what is actually being described. Holes appear throughout the Earth without any human actors mentioned.
Intriguing concepts, but the execution falters due to overwroughtness. This is what a typical passage looks like:
"The increase of pore pressure induces dilations of the ( )hole complex and increases poroelasticity (both enhance fluid flow.) While the immediate transition from laminar to turbulent happens in pipes and channels, in porous media the passage from linear to non-linear is always gradual and gradient-wise, offering opportunities to compose new spaces, lines, connections, pores, modes of dynamism and participation — infinite possibilities in terms of flood. The compression of the solid matrix, or any attempt of solidus to keep itself integrated and save its consolidated and molar state (by preventing the fluid from running or escaping from one porous network to another or isolating pores), causes a substantial rise in pore pressure. The abrupt escalation in pore pressure triggers further and radical deformation of the solid matrix, dilation and contraction of pores (comparable to the plateau-engineering mechanism of libidinal spasms addressed by Freud), progressive ungrounding of solidus, regional pore collapse and finally the composition of new worm-ridden spaces or zones of emergence. Nemat-space is an ultimate crawling machine; it is essentially cryptogenic and interconnected with Anonymous-until-Now. Anonymous-until-Now is the model of Time in ( )hole complex, whose probes and lines of itineracy move unpredictably according to both the subsoil and superficial ungrounding machineries that weaken the solidus by perversely exploiting and manipulating it (exhuming solidus)."
There is a glossary which "explains" terms used in the book, like this:
"Fundamental to double-dealing or double-numbering, feedback spirals maintain a self-reinforcing movement by mobilizing Trisons. Correspondingly, they have a triangular vortical structure. Feedback spirals effectuate the communication of Trisons. In a polytical formation, they maintain the autonomy of power formations in the Middle East by engineering a field of interaction between Trisons. Feedback spirals are Tiamaterialistic counterparts of the divine creator. See Double-numbering, Trison and Tiamaterialism."
Every sentence is packed like this and it's kind of exhausting. Don't know if I will finish it.
born to give