Re: Shoegaze

You should definitely snatch up The Aim, a perfect little four-song EP of theirs, possibly their best recording (am not an expert admittedly). The early single "New Man" is great, though a little different. And their album Concret from a few years back was a welcome addition to their catalog.

Also, if you haven't, be sure to check out The Gordons (more or less the same band, but when they were younger and more punky/angsty/etc). The EP with "Future Shock" into "Machine Song" into "Adults and Children" still sounds really good all of these years later.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: Shoegaze

Thanks. I was only familiar with one Bailter record (Thermo's) and though I like it, don't think it's spectacular. But Wammo' recording hits that sweet spot between aggresion and poppiness, almost in a shoegazey way. Songs aren't probably better than those on Thermo's but man, that SOUND.

Just want MORE of that, from the Bailters or any other band.

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