Re: Drum Kit Restoration Thread

Garth wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:25 am simple green
Heads-up for future reference, as I'm doing a lot of metal cleaning and degreasing with my antique car restoration project, but you can get quarts of LA's Totally Awesome cleaner at Dollar Tree for $1.25 and it works just as well, if not better than Simple Green for stuff like this. Just dilute it to about a 1:4 ratio of cleaner to water. I've been going through gallons of the stuff lately.

It will also remove most paints if you let it sit long enough, mostly because of the alcohol in it.

Re: Drum Kit Restoration Thread


post-bath on the hardware. Chrome polish is next.

Started cleaning the shells and seeing some micro-fissures in the wmp wrap. Right now, you can just barely see them and my old-ass eyes now I have to take the specs off and get way close to do it. Couldn't quite manage a photo even. Not sure if, how, or what I can or want to do about them; def more research needed. Probably going to have to just leave it and hope it doesn't get worse.

Probably do some plastic polish on the wrap before putting it all back together.

To get the bottom head on the tom though I need some 3" to 3.5" tension rods and DFD doesn't have any in stock in that ball park except stainless steel and the 3x cost for those is really pissing me off. Not going to lie, my cheap ass is sorely tempted to get machine screws

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