Worst of the era?

Oasis - Wonderwall
Total votes: 9 (18%)
Sublime - What I Got
Total votes: 15 (31%)
Goo Goo Dolls - Name
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Bush - Glycerine
Total votes: 2 (4%)
Live - Lightning Crashes
Total votes: 16 (33%)
Everclear - Santa Monica
Total votes: 4 (8%)
Total votes: 49

Re: Worst Mid-90's Mega-Hit

jfv wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:10 am the reason why "Breakfast at Tiffany's" sucks so bad are the fucking awful lyrics. The guy is trying to make an argument to not have his girlfriend break up with him because they have one thing in common: they both "kinda" liked that film. What total shit. It makes me want to break something or set my own foot on fire, it's so bad.
Yes. And I think the lameness of the argument being made is supposed to be somewhat millennial-ironic on purpose which IS NO EXCUSE AND IF ANYTHING MAKES IT WORSE. But what really takes the suck up to 11 is how fucking inanely verbose it is.

Iggy Pop knew how to construct a chorus: No fun / My babe / No fun

These fuckers, though: And I said, hey you know, what about that film, Breakfast At Tiffanys/ And she said, to me, in response, yes I rememeber, what about it / And then I said, after her, yeah that one, well, you know, didn't we both kind of like it, kind of, I think? / And then after I said that, she said, what the fuck are you on about

Then the annoying little guitar goes diddle-dee diddle-dee diddle-dee sucky little instrumental bit in the place where the other song is now going DO DO DO! DO DA-DOO DOO!

I wonder if their favourite part of the movie was Mickey Rooney.

Re: Worst Mid-90's Mega-Hit

Wood Goblin wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:15 pm
zircona1 wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:54 pm
Wood Goblin wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:31 pm
I will also cop to liking that New Radicals song, which also made his list and which I fully recognize is horrible.
I like that song too. Years ago during a book sale I got that album at my library for a buck. It's actually pretty good.
Plus, it got under Marilyn Manson’s skin!
He was less upset about "come to the mall where we shot the video if you want a ass kicking" than he was about being mentioned with Courtney Love

Re: Worst Mid-90's Mega-Hit

Krev wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:32 pm That New Radicals song sucks
Yeah, I'd heard the band's name back in the day, but don't recall ever hearing the song until several minutes ago. Have heard worse, the overall sentiment is good, video's not bad, but the song isn't great.

However, I will go to bat for Freedy Johnson's "On the Way Out," if anyone cares:

^^^ Not grating enough to be relevant to this discussion, maybe, but it's a pretty swell mersh nineties radio rock hit. Good tempo, good vox, catchy hooks, etc.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: Worst Mid-90's Mega-Hit

joe_lmr wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:54 pm
Wood Goblin wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:15 pm
zircona1 wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:54 pm

I like that song too. Years ago during a book sale I got that album at my library for a buck. It's actually pretty good.
Plus, it got under Marilyn Manson’s skin!
He was less upset about "come to the mall where we shot the video if you want a ass kicking" than he was about being mentioned with Courtney Love
I can't say I care for it, but this was a such a weird diss track. It's like a meta-diss track where dissing is deconstructed. Why was this Jamiroiqui looking motherfucker trying to kick Beck's ass? Why was Hanson brought into this, I'm pretty sure Hanson never pretended to be cool. Or is the joke that he's using Beck's first and last name? Also, if this dude is so hung up on destroying capitalism with his proto-Maroon 5 grooves, why did he immediately pivot to a job writing for SClub7 and BoyZone? The mind boggles.

Re: Worst Mid-90's Mega-Hit

Well shit I'm looking this up now..
Health insurance, rip off lying
FDA, big bankers buying
Fake computer crashes dining
Cloning while they're multiplying
Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson
Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
You're all fakes
Run to your mansions
Come around, we'll kick your asses
The whole song reads like proto-ChatGPT word salad, except 'asses' comes out of nowhere with its non-rhyme. And no one is kicking any asses to this dentist office bullshit.

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