“ You’re welcome”

Total votes: 1 (4%)
Perfectly normal, what the hell is wrong with you?
Total votes: 23 (96%)
Total votes: 24

Re: Smug/not smug: saying “you’re welcome”

ChudFusk wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 12:27 pm I have always found this reply to “thank you“ to sound a bit condescending, as if one is exercising great magnanimity by granting welcome upon the thanker. I probably just don’t like it because my mom was a pedant who always made me say these formal polite statements to people when I was a kid. It just doesn’t feel natural.
Of course, there is a right context for it to work.

If it's a cashier and you say thank you then a more emphatic return of thanks is more appropriate. "Thank YOU."

If it's a gift situation and once expresses thanks, "you're welcome" is perfect, there's nothing better.

The fuck is wrong with you.
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Re: Smug/not smug: saying “you’re welcome”

Agreed that service industry should be saying "thank you" in all circumstances. As in thank you for choosing to do business with us rather than our competitors

Informally, I much prefer something jocular....
"you bet"
"you betcha"
"no sweat"
"you got it"
"right back atcha"

I don't like...
"no worries"...unless I'm talking to like a proper brah, and he really truly means it.

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