Re: How do you breakfast?

Gramsci wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 12:20 am Deliberate intermittent fasting?
Restrictive eating has nearly killed not only my breakfast habits, but also the desire for breakfast. I still have morning pangs but I try, often not successfully, to attribute it to something else. I used to be a massive breakfast appreciator. Typical mornings, and I mean every morning because I'd allow myself time to eat usually went like this

2-4 pancakes, 2 scrambled eggs, 2-4 strips of bacon, buttered toast, and a large glass of whole milk.


chorizo con huevos where I'd house half a chorizo stick w 2 scrambled eggs along with torn flour tortilla pieces to pick up the bounty.


a simple fried egg sandwich over easy w cheese and sometimes bacon. Meatless was usually the order of the day.

Wouldn't gain a pound until I hit my 50's. Today I rarely eat until later and then it's usually a bowl of granola w Planet Oak vanilla oat milk, or I'll grab a benedict from an eatery.

I miss making big breakfasts. Nothing like the smell of cooking flapjacks, eggs, butter, and bacon.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: How do you breakfast?

During the weekdays, it's usually one of the following:

-Steel Cut Oatmeal with craisins and orange juice
-Breakfast burrito
recipe: ... pe-2058867
-Wheat toast with strawberry jam
-Homemade waffle
recipe: ... nt-recipe/

(Everything except the toast and jam I make ahead of time and freeze until I'm ready for it)

And of course, coffee (pour over)
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: How do you breakfast?

I should have elaborated in my earlier post what I like to eat for breakfast: Fucking anything. Last night’s leftovers. Ramen. Firing up the oven at 6am for a frozen Red Baron pepperoni pizza. Sandwiches of all varieties are common. Of course I eat all the traditional breakfast items too, but there has at least be a medium-heavy savory dish in there.

Re: How do you breakfast?

French press coffee; toast or sometimes cereal. I'm usually not big on eating at the crack o' ass AM. I will eat leftover pizza on the rare occasion we have some. The missus is lactose intolerant now, so that's become infrequent.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.

Re: How do you breakfast?

Coffee with lots of oat milk, always.

WFH weekdays (3 days/week) usually do a banana and breakfast wrap with a whole wheat tortilla, tofu scramble, sliced bell peppers, black beans and a bunch of spinach. Chili powder, hot sauce. I might use a veggie meat substitute in place of tofu, or sometimes I throw in rice, but that’s the gist.

My 2 in person days I get a spinach/feta wrap from one of the three Starbucks I pass on the way in.

Weekends, I usually make pancakes or waffles of muffins for my family.

With my AM coffee, I also take an hour long walk (for some light exercise and I guess meditation?) , so I’m pretty hungry after that and never skip a breakfast, but it’s generally not the first-thing I do.

Re: How do you breakfast?

I'll start with Fridays. Every Friday I buy three foil-wrapped handheld breakfast burritos: one for me, one for a close workmate, and one to save. On Mondays I don't have time to prepare anything as I'm at work around 5:30 AM, so I take that leftover breakfast burrito with me and reheat it in the work toaster oven. While that is going, I make the coffee in the Ninja drip maker (we have a basic Cuisinart burr grinder, too; you know the one). We have a Breville espresso maker and while the drip coffee is brewing I make a small Americano, then mix it with the drip coffee in my thermos. There is this glass coffee mug that was there when I started the job three years ago and I have commandeered it. It'shard to convey how much joy that thing brings me, but I love drinking out of it. I don't know if it's the feel of the glass or being able to see my coffee or what, but I pour the coffee from my thermos into that about a half-cup at a time at my work station.

Tue-Thu I go in later and usually have time to make steel cut oats on the stove at home. I heat up frozen berries in the microwave and add the oats, a little kosher salt, and Tajin to a container and take that to work. I also often combine two sliced bananas, some almond butter, natural peanut butter, chopped walnuts, and a dusting of cocoa powder and mix it all up for a mid-late morning deal that sometimes just ends up being my lunch as well. Sometimes people see me eating it and ask if I'm eating Rocky Road ice cream.

Re: How do you breakfast?

I don't really drink coffee, as it tastes like dirt to me.

Weekdays, it's a microwaved breakfast burrito at the office at 7 am, washed down with water or the occasional coke zero.

Weekends, I'll make waffles or pancakes or french toast for the kids, and I'll typically have a meat + egg + cheese + hot sauce sandwich of some sort. Usually on a bagel.

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