Re: Requiescat FM Steve

Jimi Hendrix's studio is still operating. Abbey Road Studios has protected status and CAN'T be demolished...

It's good to hear it confirmed, but I figured it was pretty well inconceivable that fm steve's beloved Electrical Audio would cease to function or would suddenly stop being a world class recording studio in his absence. Its revered status will surely only grow in the decades to come. Asking about the future of Shellac seems equally absurd for the opposite reason. Power to EA staff as they continue their good work. Health and happiness to Bob and Todd in whatever they choose to do.

Re: Requiescat FM Steve

Anthony Flack wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:36 pm It's good to hear it confirmed, but I figured it was pretty well inconceivable that fm steve's beloved Electrical Audio would cease to function or would suddenly stop being a world class recording studio in his absence. Its revered status will surely only grow in the decades to come.
My worry had nothing to do with questioning the desire to keep it open, rather if it would remain financially possible to do so.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that.. not appropriate for me to speculate further on FM steve’s memorial thread.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Requiescat FM Steve

That's a lovely recollection.

It is as frustrating as ever for me to read quotes from respected recording engineers unwittingly blundering into a field of mathematics they are clearly ignorant of (information theory) but which nevertheless TOTALLY EXISTS, and making voodoo claims about analogue vs digital signals. It bothers me to this day that I had a big argument with Steve about this that was never resolved to anyone's satisfaction. I knew that the mathematicians were right, but I was still trying to get it clear in my own head and not always explaining it particularly well, and Steve had his dander up, not to mention he was sober and I probably wasn't. So it didn't go well at all. But he came so damn close. There was a moment where he said something and I think if I could just draw a diagram, you will see exactly what I am getting at here...

It's such a fascinating area of mathematics that I'm sure as a mathematically-minded person he would have understood completely and found it all quite interesting if he wasn't so prickly due to time spent justifying his preference for analogue tape (which needs no justification, although he had prepared a long list). And although information theory is somewhat adjacent to audio engineering, it IS mathematics, and touches on so many other things besides. The more I learned about it, the more insightful I found it, and it bothers me that I was never able to put this to Steve in a way that he was receptive to, on account of how it stemmed from a disagreement. About Neil Young's Ponyo player or something like that, I think it was?

Anyway I do feel like this was a missed opportunity for a shared discussion about something cool due to my failure to communicate better, and that sucks. But he sure did love to argue. We had more fun arguing about less sensitive topics like donuts. I liked how Steve would argue any point, no matter how small, all the way to its conclusion without ever trying to duck out and say oh, who cares. If you make a statement then be prepared to defend it.

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