LCD Soundsystem

Not Crap
Total votes: 10 (63%)
Total votes: 6 (38%)
Total votes: 16

Re: LCD Soundsystem

Vibracobra wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:21 am NC but also meh.
This is my take. Murphy seems like a nice guy, and very appreciative of what he has accomplished as well.

He does have a song called "Get Innocuous." About sums them up for me.

At one point I had all their records up through This is Happening. Sold em all. I wish I had hung onto 45:33, it's the only one I listen to anymore, and only while running. There's Spotify for that though.

They are doing a 2 months stand or some shit in LA. I may buy tickets just to resell them. [kidding] People are fucking crazy for them here.
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Re: LCD Soundsystem

Gramsci wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:52 am Can some list the bands they’re derivative of?
I hear Liquid Liquid in LCD's more percussive-heavy but minimal tracks. Kraftwerk is all over "Disco Infiltrator." I can't point to any one house jock but Todd Terry's vibe seems to permeate quite a bit. Maybe some Moodymann. I'd argue that Mr. Murphy is inspired quite a bit by early post-punk and no wave distilling it into his own brew. "Drunk Girls" reminds me a little of "White Light White Heat" but I wouldn't go so far as to say that VU pops-up a lot in his music.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: LCD Soundsystem

Yeah, Liquid Liquid and ESG are all over DFA Records stuff. But I've also heard songs (don't know their titles) sound like specific The Cure ("Close to Me"), New Order, and Prince tracks, to name a few. And not just a synth sound or vibe or whatever, more like.. Oh yeah, that's basically X song from Power, Corruption, and Lies.

They are a party band that happened to get very popular and they are aware of it, but yeah it's a little annoying when people gravitate towards it but completely overlook the much better music it lifts from.

Re: LCD Soundsystem

There's a lot of Remain in Light/Fear of Music Talking Heads in LCD Soundsystem, to the point that I've actually thought a few songs were T.Heads songs until Murphy started singing. And Berlin-era Bowie. Okay, basically anyone Eno worked w/ in the mid/late 70s.

I like LCD SS overall, and it's cool to see a band that came up through punk/DIY/indie (bassist even played through a Traynor TS-50b on freakin' SNL) sustain popularity for so long. Would have liked to have gone to one of the Seattle shows recently but they sold out insanely fast.

They're a great party song band and sometimes you hear "North Americans" in the Fish Cleaning Room (RIP) at Thundersnow at 2AM and it's the best thing in the world. Everybody party, party hard.
Old band:
Older band:

Re: LCD Soundsystem

I can't imagine hearing their debut and dismissing them outright. A few misstep songs ("Daft Punk Is Playing At My House" is definitely the harbinger of more cloying bullshit later) but as a sonic experience? That tightrope act of dance band/rock band, aging hip kid who still takes extasy, irony giving way to earnestness and back again - incredible kickoff. Especially compared with their "contemporaries" in the "NYC dance punk" scene - whatever that gets packaged as in retrospect - they're clearly the frontrunner.

A friend would test his audio system against This Is Happening before he'd host house parties, so that one has a special place for me too but it's clearly nostalgia. Who cares, Not Crap.

Re: LCD Soundsystem

Gramsci wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:52 am Can some list the bands they’re derivative of?
Aside from those that have been listed already, Murphy is a huge fan of The Fall, so much so that on that first album he intentionally sung trying to use the voice of Mark E Smith, with all the "-uhs" at the end of his lines.

And of course obviously a Human League fan, having done a very faithful cover of "Seconds." So faithful it's hard to tell them apart.

"Somebody's Calling" sounds like an Eno.

He's really good at interpreting his influences, with clear reverence, I give him a lot of credit for that.

I'd also list Happy Mondays and Suicide as influences.
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Re: LCD Soundsystem

tallchris wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:39 am I like LCD SS overall, and it's cool to see a band that came up through punk/DIY/indie (bassist even played through a Traynor TS-50b on freakin' SNL) sustain popularity for so long.
Murphy working the boards for 6FS is endearing. It'd be great if they crept in his music sometimes.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: LCD Soundsystem

Gramsci wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:52 am Can some list the bands they’re derivative of?
To me it sounds like a really shitty version of what was going on with Ze records in the late 70s early 80s,

I dont know how they were any better than the entire electroclash shitstorm. Dork bands like Hot Chip and the like. If I took the time I think I could make a reasonable case it laid the groundwork for fucking Imagine Dragons and the 21 Pilots.

Re: LCD Soundsystem

zorg wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:47 pm I dont know how they were any better than the entire electroclash shitstorm. Dork bands like Hot Chip and the like.
Yeah. While I'm not gonna scream it from the mountaintops, a few The Rapture tracks stuck with me more than anything LCD. They had the good sense to rip off PiL at least.

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