Re: Personal memories from the old forum

akosinski wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:54 pm I wasn’t aware that Amanda felt that way and I’m not surprised that she turned this into another thing about her.

If she really thinks that her and Steve were close to being the same, maybe she’ll enjoy this video of Steve trying to humilate our friend Brent by making him read her poem for the Boston terrorist after losing a bet.

i wonder how much of the lost forum is on wayback machine. i guess that is a rainy day project for me to add to the list.
Is that Brett the Bun Cunt? Nice….
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

iembalm wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 11:48 am I mentioned in an old thread called "What would you do if you had the time?" or some such that I had been thinking about putting some time in to learn bass, received a PM from dontfeartheringo asking for my address, and then a couple of weeks later a nice Memphis P-Bass showed up. I was around 45 at the time and had never really experienced that kind of thing, so I put the time in and learned me some bass on that instrument. Always wanted to come out from Oregon to the BBQs and meet people, but it never worked out. This year's would be a good one to make the effort for, but I'm having a hip replaced at the end of June.
I later learned that the strings I put on that bass were of the "tying off a ship to a pier" thickness! I do hope that they didn't dampen your enthusiasm for the instrument!
tbone wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:58 pm I imagine at some point as a practicality we will all start assuming that this is probably the last thing we gotta mail to some asshole.

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

men are constantly criticizing women in an effort to chip away at their credibility. The women who stick it out and are able to succeed in male spaces despite all this are then derided as ruthless b-words. Any woman who can deal with that constant barrage of shit: I don't care what you do, take that fucking million dollars. Also, Amanda Palmer has lived her entire adult life creating welcoming spaces for some of the most vulnerable folks of society. You don't have to love her poetry or what she does with her money, but for fuck's sake there are actual malevolent people out there you could spend time fighting.

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

twelvepoint wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:25 pm men are constantly criticizing women in an effort to chip away at their credibility. The women who stick it out and are able to succeed in male spaces despite all this are then derided as ruthless b-words. Any woman who can deal with that constant barrage of shit: I don't care what you do, take that fucking million dollars. Also, Amanda Palmer has lived her entire adult life creating welcoming spaces for some of the most vulnerable folks of society. You don't have to love her poetry or what she does with her money, but for fuck's sake there are actual malevolent people out there you could spend time fighting.
This is all fair. I really don't want to kick anything off but just for context, I didn't care one way or the other until she wrote how she let an undocumented immigrant family sleep on the floor/couch while she took their beds.
We once stayed with a girl in Miami whose family were all undocumented immigrants from Honduras and they all took the couches so we can take their beds. I lay there wondering whether this is fair, as these people had so little. In the morning her mother said to me in broken English, “your music has helped my daughter so much. Thank you for staying here. We’re all so grateful. ·” Then I realised, this is fair.
I think she's an exceptional case.

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

twelvepoint wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:25 pm men are constantly criticizing women in an effort to chip away at their credibility. The women who stick it out and are able to succeed in male spaces despite all this are then derided as ruthless b-words.
There's a lot of that about, I agree.

twelvepoint wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:25 pm Any woman who can deal with that constant barrage of shit: I don't care what you do, take that fucking million dollars.
Didn't seem to be anyone having an issue with the million dollars to me, it was the asking for musicians to come and play for free after raising it that seemed to rankle people.

twelvepoint wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:25 pm for fuck's sake there are actual malevolent people out there you could spend time fighting.
Cambridge dictionary: Multitasking
Dave N. wrote:Most of us are here because we’re trying to keep some spark of an idea from going out.

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