When the vocalist tells you what's about to happen, musically

Total votes: 2 (6%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (94%)
Total votes: 32

Re: C/NC: When the vocalist tells you what's about to happen, musically

Right at the end of one of the choruses in 'New Sensation', Michael Hutchence casually says "trumpet". Right?

But doesn't the instrument that plays right after that a saxophone? Is this incorrect?

Anyways, this is N/C. See also: 'Dance to the Music' by Sly and the Family Stone.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: C/NC: When the vocalist tells you what's about to happen, musically

Garth wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:14 am

For James Brown and others, I always took it as cues for the band and acting as a conductor.

Not crap.
Yeah, JB conducted his bands in "real" time, both studio and live, hence why the structures and song-lengths and even tempos often varied a lot between different versions while keeping the core ingrediens.

Anyay, Not Crap, personally I'm very fond of Tom G warrior (Celtic Frost) grunting "FAST!", "THRASH!" and "SLOOOW!" alongside an abrupt tempo change...

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