
Total votes: 6 (55%)
Total votes: 5 (45%)
Total votes: 11

Re: Thunderdome: Embrace vs Pailhead

I’m pretty ambivalent on both, but Pailhead was just annoying (like anything Al Jourgensen is involved with). embrace was ok - but some of those lyrics now hurt me a bit and haven’t aged well. embrace also with the superior artwork, so they take the chocolates…

If we are doing Ian related tangent bands, what about Egg Hunt? That single is awesome and the story behind it is pretty cool too. There’s a better link somewhere out there with more details I read years ago, but can’t remember it…


Re: Thunderdome: Embrace vs Pailhead

Pailhead is a fucking blast; love those songs, some of Barker's greatest bass lines, Ian's final scream on 'Man Should Surrender' is one of the best ever recorded, top tier IMO...

Embrace just isn't fully formed and never got the chance to develop, everyone is reaching outside of their harDCore roots but a little aimlessly... I do like that 'End of the Year' song, I guess. It may be 'interesting' but it isn't really very good; always felt similarly about Rites of Spring. (Dag Nasty did it right, IMO, esp on Wig out at Denko's).

Pailhead for me.

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