We have MAGA fuckery all up in our politics, too. Makes me sick to hear Trump supporter language in my country, but Project 2025 is already happening in New Zealand right now.
Here's the Guardian summary on the assault on indigenous rights by the current NZ government:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/artic ... cy-changes
Needless to say that doesn't cover all the racist dog-whistling going on. Put it this way, one of the first things they did when they got in was order that bilingual roadsigns be replaced with English-only roadsigns and all government departments with Maori names be replaced with English names. This is the level of motherfuckery we are contending with here. David Seymour, the Heritage Foundation-funded pod person, child groomer and Associate Minister of Everything is going around calling anybody to the left of Hitler "woke". When he was cancelling the school lunches to children program the other week, he called sushi fucking "woke".
Now imagine all of that happening in environmental policy as well. And education. And justice. And health. And transport. And every-fucking-thing. The new government is full of former tobacco and oil lobbyists. Remember during the Trump administration when there was a fresh outrage every day, something new to be furious about every time you opened the news? This has been what it's been like here for nearly a year now. We've got a mega-church pastor directing violent mobs and harassment campaigns against drag queens. The deputy PM attacks the "woke media". The gaslighting and the lies is continuous. The entire board of the Health department has just been sacked and replaced by a czar tasked with slashing our health system. The former health board are accusing the government of spreading lies and disinformation (they are correct).
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I could write twenty pages about all the things I'm furious about. Fast-track legislation allowing ministers to approve mining on conservation land that bypasses environmental law and removes the need for public consultation. Or as our new resource minister, piece of shit Shane Jones put it, if an endangered native frog stands in the way of a mining project, it's "bye-bye Freddie".
We are slashing public services while running up billions in extra debt so we can give a round of tax breaks to high earners and tobacco companies.
The scum are in charge. Proper scum: Republican-strength scum swept into power by a bunch of anti-vaxxers, anti-environmentalists, and white grievance dickheads and funded by American think tanks. And if they get a second term I will seriously be looking for a new country.