Help Me Find Gear That Sounds Like Other Gear

I’m old and I don’t want to carry around big amps anymore the one or two gigs I play every year on guitar.

Can someone recommend a combo amp (tube) that would match the following:

Fender Bassman - i currently have a 59’ reissue (the 4x10 45 watt model) - I would love to get something similar but in a combo amp. I see a lot of blonde fender amps that are in the 20 watt range, which is great. just wondering if there is one that would match this closest.

Sears Silvertone 1484 - I love this amp, especially the tremelo. I’m looking for a smaller combo that has similar tone in addition to the tremelo and reverb.


Oh I guess I should point out that in a perfect world, I could find these replacement combos for about $750 per amp in the used market. I’m not a vintage gear pervert, so if they made something similar as a reissue, thats fine.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Help Me Find Gear That Sounds Like Other Gear

akosinski wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:14 pm Fender Bassman - i currently have a 59’ reissue (the 4x10 45 watt model) - I would love to get something similar but in a combo amp. I see a lot of blonde fender amps that are in the 20 watt range, which is great. just wondering if there is one that would match this closest.
You're probably thinking of the Pro Jrs, which are 15w. I'm not crazy about the Jensens Fender puts in most of those combo amps, but by swapping those out with something efficient like the Eminence Patriot series they sound better and get a little more volume/headroom too. Even then you can stay well under your price limit buying used.

Re: Help Me Find Gear That Sounds Like Other Gear

Not quite a Bassman, but if something between Fender black-panel and tweed styles might work, you can keep an eye out for Kendrick combo amps. A lot of them are listed in the low thousands, but you can still find other examples for under that, it just requires looking out for them in saved searches.
That one is still 35 watts, but through a single 12.
How you respond to the goofy sub-ZZ Top boomer aesthetic is up to you, but they do sound really good and work as advertised.

Re: Help Me Find Gear That Sounds Like Other Gear

akosinski wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:49 pm Update! I found a guy selling a VOX AC15 about 5 minutes away from me and snatched it for $400. Will be perfect for my upcoming Kinks cover set. Going to try out a Pro Jr. tomorrow that has the Eminence Cannabis Rex speaker. That may suffice to replace my 59 bassman.

Thanks for all of your input.
Pro Jr is not loud but sounds good with a better speaker in it--I concur with that take.

I did not keep mine but only b/c I have other, not-cheap small amps that i like better. Andy Cohen used to use one of Steve's/EA's Pro Jrs on some stuff in the Worm.

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