Re: Little Details from Your Day

I was so busy a few weeks back getting my better films optimized and collated for a small-run blu-ray release that I failed to notice reservations for booths at the Miami Book Fair were already open. Checked today, for the first time this year, and they're now sold out. Ooops! I wanted to go but am weirdly sort of relieved in a way because I often feel like I'm almost suffocated with tasks now. Kinda need a break from everything.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

1. It’s weird to learn you have a half-brother who was conceived the year your parents got married, and find out about it when you are 51 years old.
2. It’s weird to withhold that information from your mother because she holds your recently deceased father in high regard and would likely be devastated.
3. It’s weird for this information to start showing up on Ancestry and have your sister find out about it that way.
4. It’s weird when your sister goes and visits the half-brother without telling you, and it’s weird for her to find out that he is an amalgam of you, your father, and your uncle.
5. It’s weird to find out that your half-brother, who has never met yourself or your father, is also a bass player like yourself and your father.
6. It’s weird when your half-brother dies of a brain aneurysm at age 54, during a full moon in August, only two years and three days older than yourself.
7. It’s weird to grieve for someone you’ve never met.
8. It’s weird to think that I, too, could die of a brain aneurysm way too early.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Dave N. wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:59 pm 1. It’s weird to learn you have a half-brother who was conceived the year your parents got married, and find out about it when you are 51 years old.
2. It’s weird to withhold that information from your mother because she holds your recently deceased father in high regard and would likely be devastated.
3. It’s weird for this information to start showing up on Ancestry and have your sister find out about it that way.
4. It’s weird when your sister goes and visits the half-brother without telling you, and it’s weird for her to find out that he is an amalgam of you, your father, and your uncle.
5. It’s weird to find out that your half-brother, who has never met yourself or your father, is also a bass player like yourself and your father.
6. It’s weird when your half-brother dies of a brain aneurysm at age 54, during a full moon in August, only two years and three days older than yourself.
7. It’s weird to grieve for someone you’ve never met.
8. It’s weird to think that I, too, could die of a brain aneurysm way too early.
Oh man, Dave. That's so much. I hope you're doing okay with that deluge of new information.
He / him / his
"Let's play this one for laughs / Let's make it never stop"
The Family Ghost (band) | Revenge Body (solo)

Re: Little Details from Your Day

jfv wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:19 am
Dave N. wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:23 am This last week or so, I’ve been getting to work just as the sun begins peaking over the horizon. I’m incapable of seeing a sunrise without “New Day Rising” going through my head. I wonder how many other people have this problem? It’s almost like a call to prayer.
I don’t have this exact problem, but..

Any time I’m taking a train across continental Europe, “Trans Europe Express” goes through my head.

As does Minutemen’s “West Germany” when I’m in that area.

And also Bowie’s “Warszawa” when I’m in Warsaw.
Anytime a CTA bus announces California I repeat "Uber Alles"in my head multiple times.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Jacques wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:05 pm
Dave N. wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:59 pm 1. It’s weird to learn you have a half-brother who was conceived the year your parents got married, and find out about it when you are 51 years old.
2. It’s weird to withhold that information from your mother because she holds your recently deceased father in high regard and would likely be devastated.
3. It’s weird for this information to start showing up on Ancestry and have your sister find out about it that way.
4. It’s weird when your sister goes and visits the half-brother without telling you, and it’s weird for her to find out that he is an amalgam of you, your father, and your uncle.
5. It’s weird to find out that your half-brother, who has never met yourself or your father, is also a bass player like yourself and your father.
6. It’s weird when your half-brother dies of a brain aneurysm at age 54, during a full moon in August, only two years and three days older than yourself.
7. It’s weird to grieve for someone you’ve never met.
8. It’s weird to think that I, too, could die of a brain aneurysm way too early.
Oh man, Dave. That's so much. I hope you're doing okay with that deluge of new information.
+1. Jesus that's some weird shit. Best wishes man.
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