Best Swervedriver full length

Total votes: 2 (15%)
Mezcal Head
Total votes: 9 (69%)
Ejector Seat Reservation
Total votes: 2 (15%)
99th Dream (No votes)
I Wasn't Born To Lose You (No votes)
Future Ruins (No votes)
Total votes: 13

Re: Best Swervedriver album

I feel that Mezcal Head will be the victor but Ejector Seat Reservation has a slew of my favorite Swervedriver songs, like, ever. "The Birds," "Maelstrom," "Last Day on Earth," are lovely songs, and the record as a whole transcends the shoegaze tag even when they lean into it. I just adore "The Birds" with Adam's drawl and saturated melodic guitars. So great.

ESR. The Birds just makes it. MH is more rocking and is tied into a wonderful period in my life, but, The Birds.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Best Swervedriver album

One of my fave bands.

Really hard to choose between those first three records.

Raise Rocks and has a weird and kinda arid vibe I reallly dig. I also like that many songs are bass driven. It also has a nocturnal vibe to it.

Mezcal is super catchy but recording is a bit too polished. I love that us copies had "Never lose that feeling", probably my fave song from them.

Probably ESR is the best produced one and the more "classic Rock" sounding, the more accesible. Might have their strongest set of songs.

The rest have their moments, but nothing like that initial run.

ESR takes it.

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