Re: Little Details from Your Day

dontfeartheringo wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:34 pm School shooting 15 minutes from the house this morning. ... index.html

Details are still trickling in, looks like four dead, 40 wounded.

I realize it's a long shot, but if you're living somewhere outside the blood and poverty drenched Great United States and need a theatre professor or a drummer/IT Professional, now would be a great time to hit us up.
*hangs head in shame for our country*

Not sure what will get solved first: conflict in the Middle East, or the gun problem in the USA.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Little Details from Your Day

jfv wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 2:22 pm
dontfeartheringo wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:34 pm School shooting 15 minutes from the house this morning. ... index.html

Details are still trickling in, looks like four dead, 40 wounded.

I realize it's a long shot, but if you're living somewhere outside the blood and poverty drenched Great United States and need a theatre professor or a drummer/IT Professional, now would be a great time to hit us up.
*hangs head in shame for our country*

Not sure what will get solved first: conflict in the Middle East, or the gun problem in the USA.
Rest assured that the money is already flowing to make sure that neither ever gets solved.
tbone wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:58 pm I imagine at some point as a practicality we will all start assuming that this is probably the last thing we gotta mail to some asshole.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

У вихідні я встаю зазвичай пізніше, але сьогодні я встав дуже рано, тому що я не добре спав минулої ночі.

U vyxidní ja vstáju zazvychái pizníshe, alé s'ohódni ja vstáv dúzhe ráno, tomú shcho ja ne dóbre spáv mynúloji nóchi.

Took a lesson with a tutor the other day. Said some things, asked some questions, got some tips. Forgot simple words like "only" and "a little".

Didn't really know what I was doing but now I actually have some ideas about how I can use those lessons better. Composed a bunch of sentences like this, with the help of a youtube video, made notes on unclear parts, possible alternatives, aspect changes (one such in the sentence above), fixed expressions like "at # o'clock". A few expressions like "[ I sleep ] for as long as I want", or "[such and such time] at the latest", of which satisfying translations are hard to find, I'll ask about those.

In Ukrainian, verbs come in pairs. One imperfect, one perfect. Each one with its own particular pattern. Only the imperfect has a present tense, both have past and future. Some of that you can figure out easily, or make sense of when you see them - I usually get up [from bed], я встаю зазвичай, vstáju, present of vstaváti вставати, the imperfect ; vs. but today I got up, але сьогодні я встав, vstáv, past of vstáti встати, the perfect (whereas the past imperfect would be vstaváv).

But how do the different future tenses work? What does it mean that both aspects have a passive participle - the one that is found in phrases of the kind "a closed door", and "this book has been opened by someone". Or that there is a perfect and imperfect form, both of which I've seen in use, of the verb "can"?

This is actually the main reason I had to change my strategy, because I'm used to just writing words down, but here this would be cumbersome and unintuitive (I had a shot at Czech earlier, which has a similar system, and where I basically just ignored that part). Likewise does it not make sense to cram information about individual units, since there isn't much I could even reliable gather. And by chance this made the entire study process easier and more enjoyable.
born to give

Re: Little Detail from May 30 1987

Today is my mom's birthday. She's been dead for 20 years from the big C. No need for condolences but on this day I'm often reminded of a detail from May 30, 1987.

I was a junior in high school way into heavy metal, hard rock, and pop metal. Honestly, I wasn't crazy about Bon Jovi but I did like Cinderella (mostly because "Don't Know What You Got (Til It's Gone)" was a song I'd listen to while imagining a would-be breakup with boy I had a crush on) , and they both were playing a concert that night. I wanted to wear my favorite pair of ripped-up jeans with my favorite bands written in sharpie on the denim. Mom said I wasn't going outside of the house looking like that and we got into a massive fight with the commonplace teenage-parent exclamations of "YOU LEAVE THIS HOUSE YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT COMING BACK" and "FINE I HATE IT HERE ANYWAY WAHHHHHH." And off I went into the night to be rebellious with Bon Jovi and Cinderella.

I was fairly sure my mom would have settle the fuck down over the ensuing hours, and she did. When I got back home we made the requisite apologies, hugged and all that shit, and then she asked me about the concert. I told her about this rad part of the program where Jon Bon Jovi flew over the audience on a wire just like this

and while soaring above the crowd he looked at me and gave me the thumbs-up gesture. I swear he did that. My mom then erupted with peals of laughter and derision. Years later she'd be like: remember when you said Jon Bon Jovi looked at you and gave you thumbs-up and start laughing all over again. Fucking savage.

Mom and Santy Claus
Mom & siblings w dad as photographer
Mom's 80's glamour shot that she framed and hung on the wall over the family TV
Moms rule. Don't forget to hug yours and give her a call. And if you happened to have had a mom who was not-so-good or non-existent, I ask of your pardon and extend a hug.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Needed an ambulance at the house today.

Daughter’s band was rehearsing in the basement and the guitarist dislocated their knee.

I wish I could tell you it was due to something spectacular like they jumped off a stack of speakers, but it was much more mundane.

Anyway, couldn’t figure out how to get the kid safely up the stairs without hurting them… hence the ambulance call. Kid was in a lot of pain, even under the care of paramedics.

That was… traumatic.

Anyway, all seems to be okay now.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

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