To Crap or not to Crap

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Band: Ritual device

Been listening to Henge (1993) a lot lately. David Wm Sims recorded it. That orange chunk of plastic sounds kinda muffled at first but if you crank the volume up it sounds great. Side B is one of my faves ever, reminds me a bit of Dazzking Kilmen.

Not a lot of info about them on the Net, weird cause that record is legend status material me thinks.

Re: Band: Ritual device

They were pretty good. I only saw them once and enjoyed their show, but they kind of struck me as Jesus Lizard wannabes (1994?). I had one of their albums at one point. It was…ok.

I’ll say NC with a high waffle factor for wearing their influence a little too prominently on their sleeve.

Edit- just listened to them for the first time in 30 years. Not as JL cloney as I remembered. “Charlie Jones” is a jam.

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