kenoki wrote:but actually republicans at least did something good in florida finally. new legislature says if someone tries to shoot me in the street i'm allowed to shoot back and if i kill or wound dude i'm automatically protected. before it was like, families of the attacker could sue the attackee for fighting back. is that just weird to me? the whole concept? that there would need to be a law? or? hm.
From the Washington Post:
"The Florida measure says any person 'has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm.'
Florida law already lets residents defend themselves against attackers if they can prove they could not have escaped. The new law would allow them to use deadly force even if they could have fled and says that prosecutors must automatically presume that would-be victims feared for their lives if attacked."
So basically, the main change is that if you get in a shootout now, you get to stay and finish it, and waste all the bad guys and you won't be legally responsible for your failure to retreat. So real life is becoming more like an action movie. If you knew someone was coming to your house to do you harm, presumably you could just sit there and ambush them.
Thank God for the NRA. They make it more and more feasible for ornery hillbillies and other assorted fuckwits to live out their revenge fantasies.