Movie: Civil War

Total votes: 4 (29%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 10 (71%)
Total votes: 14

Movie: Civil War

Apart from some treacly bits and a Hollywood vibe, both of which I found surprising from Garland and/or A24, I liked it. Not Crap. Not much of a war film guy, but the action sequences were great, and Jesse Plemon's turn was intense. I can sorta understand the film's ambiguity but there were also scenes that felt to me like Garland was tipping his hand. Why not just go for it?

Not a bad way to spend at a matinee. Almost saw it in IMAX due to a user error ticketing snafu. Sometimes I miss the days of human/clerk interactions.
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Movie: Civil War

I thought it was a pretty big bummer. Set in a world with a pretty interesting story to tell but instead it told a pretty boilerplate, pass the torch, burned out old vet story I've seen many times before. Other than a few cool scenes I thought it was pretty boring. Stating Nick Offerman is in the film is almost false advertising. When the young girl showed up again in the second scene, Heather leaned over and said "Man I hope she doesn't tag along!" but she does, and she sucks. Ending was phoned in about halfway through... final scene super sucked.

Thumbs down, BOOOOO!
Was Japmn.

New OST project:

Re: Movie: Civil War

A NC from me. I’d read a few spoiler free reviews, so expected the slow burn first two acts.

I thought the ideological ambiguity was good, although Garland makes it clear the President is a Trumpian dickhead straight off the bat. It was obviously a right wing loon had started a war by doing something stupid, likely by declaring a third term without constitutional amendments etc.

The final combat scenes were fantastic. By no stretch a great film, but very solid.
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

Re: Movie: Civil War

Watched this yesterday in two chunks (work commitments and my own BP blowing up made me break it up).

Not crap. Super fucking intense and bonks. Unrepentant in the brutality of some scorched-earth tactics (the Jesse P. scene, jesus christ).

I avoided a lot about it when it came out, but my kid saw it early on and said that the filmmaker's refusal to kinda 'pick a side' bummed them out. I think the only tell of where the photojournalists lay is that they seem to be on the side of these bugaloo boy looking dudes (all of whom of different racial or ethnic backgrounds?). I couldn't tell who was on what side, which was the point I suppose.

FanTAStic music drops throughout with the exception of one corny drip of a song set to a helicopter/Apocalypse Now motif.

I'll be watching this film again.

Re: Movie: Civil War

Didn't realize there was a C/NC on this movie until now. Watched it a couple of months ago. I posted my initial thoughts in the "Movies You Have Watched" thread:

Kirsten Dunst is beautiful and was great in the film, but otherwise meh.

I'll add: I agree with FM kniferide that the ending totally sucked. I started watching it a second time on the plane but made a conscious decision to stop watching at about the halfway mark.

My verdict may have been closer if the ending had been better.

jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Movie: Civil War

On reflection I really don’t think the film is that ambiguous. It could be Garland being too clever for his own good but the ambiguity is in the people along the way, not the Trump style president. Plus the heavy leaning on gross constitutional breach gives a reason for Texas and California to be potentially allies etc.

The clever part is the various groups of people they meet. Because each of those people will have their own reasons and regard themselves as the “good guys”. Therefore it’s a kind of what’s not said vibe. So, subtly I guess. It would have sucked to be brow beaten for 90 mins in a political broadcast.

I need to watch a second time.
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

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