Re: What are you thinking right this second?

jfv wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:58 pm
losthighway wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:45 pm If you see a sign for a local politician that lists "Proud Italian American" what are the odds that they might be a racist?
Pretty damn likely!
The Irish were the real slaves don’t you know.
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

Re: What are you thinking right this second?

iembalm wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:14 am Trying to figure out how to communicate to someone in a work setting that future voicemails and emails will be deleted without my reading or listening to them, as they have crossed the line into abuse. Still want to be professional about it.
I think you should pretty much say exactly what you wrote right there. It seems professional enough considering the circumstances.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: What are you thinking right this second?

Every time YouTube recommends AI-generated content, I block the channel. Yet every few days, I’ll get a new recommendation for a different channel with AI-generated content.

It’s amazing that, as sophisticated as YouTube’s algorithm is, it still can’t tell what the dozens of blocked channels have in common. I mean, I am never, ever, ever going to want to see Married with Children in fake 1950s Super Panavision. Yet there it is, in my feed.

Re: What are you thinking right this second?

Wood Goblin wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:49 am Every time YouTube recommends AI-generated content, I block the channel. Yet every few days, I’ll get a new recommendation for a different channel with AI-generated content.

It’s amazing that, as sophisticated as YouTube’s algorithm is, it still can’t tell what the dozens of blocked channels have in common. I mean, I am never, ever, ever going to want to see Married with Children in fake 1950s Super Panavision. Yet there it is, in my feed.
I have the same problem with Facebook - it's all three categories:

1. Page titles like "awesome kitties" with a photo of something unrelated to the page title and a copypasta related to neither the photo nor the page title (e.g. "ten reasons why such and such is blah blah who cares). Usually with three salute and three flag emojis.
2. AI-generated "AMERICAAAA!" images captioned "why don't pictures like this ever trend?" Always with three salute and three flag emojis.
3. A random comic captioned "best comic funny" with three laughing emojis, a shit ton of #titleoffamousnewspapercomic tags, and a page title with a variation on "The Far Side."

I wish I could write a script to automatically block those pages the second they show up in the feed.
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: What are you thinking right this second?

The Facebook garbage I’d most like to block is Reels. You cannot shut off their recommendations.

I’ve concluded that, as long as people don’t give up on the platform entirely, Facebook (and YT and Amazon and and and) has no incentive to stop. Every platform sucks now.

Facebook is nothing but Shitty Pinterest now. Even Etsy is worthless, given that the wares you find on it are 99% made-in-a-Chinese-factory garbage.

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