Album by Slint: Tweez vs. Spiderland

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Total votes: 38 (88%)
Total votes: 43

Re: Album by Slint: Tweez vs. Spiderland

penningtron wrote:I never really thought of Slint along the lines of stuff like Confessor or Breadwinner but it seems clear now.
It's an opinion probably shared only by a handful people of a certain age and it might not make much sense to those retroactively wooed by Spiderland, but that's totally how I saw Slint.

I pretty much started listening to Slint and Bastro around the same time, and I got into them via sonic links to Bitch Magnet and Honor Role. (Breadwinner was a little later, but I group it w/the same crop of bands.) Every one of these had a slightly more metallic edge than a lot of what was big in the U.S. underground at the time. (Whereas your Sub Pop and AmRep groups were more cock rock than full-on metal.)

I remember reading a review of Tweez that went as far as to call it the missing link between Rapeman, Slovenly, and Metallica (!) or something like that.
Gramsci wrote:The Ethan mix is an okay thing to have. It’s sounds different… Tweez was a weird album recorded early in FMSteve’s recording career. The liner notes from Steve make it clear he was making up for inexperience with gimmicks. The Ethan mix does sound more like a demo… but don’t think that’s an excuse to make the drums flat and shitty sounding.

It's not necessarily better at all. In fact, it's way less cold and harsh, and ultimately, not as distinctive. But it also sounds less of its time, if that makes sense.

Again, I'd love to hear Slint's actual demo for the LP and can't quite understand why that didn't get a spit-shine for the reissue.

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