Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

Nico Adie wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 4:42 pm A TC Jims 45 amp sim pedal. Should arrive tomorrow.
I have the TC deluxe pedal. It's a good headphone amp. It's kinda only fine for actually playing guitar through a poweamp, but not bad. It's entirely too bright.
Was Japmn.

New OST project:

Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

Nico Adie wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 4:42 pm A TC Jims 45 amp sim pedal. Should arrive tomorrow.
I had that briefly while I was trying out amp sims. I really liked it, and for the price, it's great. The cabism is to be desired, but if you're just looking a Marshall JMP amp sound and the like, it's solid.

Offhand, while I had it, I also had the UAD Lion, which is another Marshall amp sim. I wouldn't say that it was as good as the Lion (which simulates 3 different type of Marshall amps, none of them a JMP45), but it sounded pretty good comparatively.

Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

After swearing I'd never go back to one, I'm back in the SVT club. This is the first 70's one I've ever owned though, and I'm loving it. The head is a '72-'75 Magnavox era, and the cab is a '79 with the 50 watt square magnet Eminence speakers. The guy I bought it from said that he bought it from a backline rental company in NYC in the early 2000's, and that they told him at that time that this amp had been the primary backline bass amp at CBGB's. No way to verify that of course. The grill cloth on the head and cab is all brand new stuff from Fliptops, but he did give me the original cloth just because, looks like it was doused in beer and attacked by cats.

Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

Pigtronix Moon Pool. Had an MXR Tremolo for a bit that was well-built and sounded decent but ultimately wasn’t anything to write home about. (Also it doesn’t do the thing I like in trem pedals where you bump the speed up to the point where it starts to ring mod.)

Turns out I kinda miss having a tremolo on my board, but I was looking for something with envelope control. The Moon Pool has both a phaser and trem circuit that can be used individually or together, and envelope control to either slow down or speed up to the set speed of either. Looks handy, sounded great in demos and I look forward to seeing how it plays in my rig.
Formerly FM kazoozak. Guy in Fake Canadian.

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