Re: Politics

Hex wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:01 am
Gramsci wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 2:15 am
but because you never seem to actually *get* to dealing with those issues and whenever you experience failure, you fucking blame your losses on the “divisiveness” of those issues and the insistence of marginalized people to actually tackle them
100%. Exhausting to have an exact replay of eight years ago on points that were rubbish even then, and which people were clearly told were so, by people who really had existential stakes in them vs people who didn't. That tiktok guy was absolutely full of shit.

When the economy is fucked, it fucks everyone. Most of all the marginalized. But they don't vote for fascists.
born to give

you are right though

PASTA wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:32 pm
ChudFusk wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:12 pm
ErickC wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 7:20 pmI think anyone who is LGBTQ or brown or female ought to seriously consider arming themselves, and I don't really care how upset white liberals who don't have to worry about getting beaten up or raped or shot get about it.
I’ve been saying this forever. Do we really want the fascists and fanatics to be the only ones with guns? Who do you think they have their AR-15 arsenals aimed at?
ErickC wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 7:20 pmHomeboy, the fact that us minorities exist is provocation enough for them.
THIS! Enough Monday morning Quarterbacking

WE got a lot of work to do.
but i want to point fingers at the democrats and the media! maybe they'll learn this time!
ChudFusk wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2024 1:36 amenjoy your red meat.
Krev wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:58 pmEnjoy your Hydroxychloroquine

Re: Politics

Hex wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 8:29 am Erin Reed is spot on addressing that:
That tweet + linked story is fucking wild. Literal Russian scenario. Something that did not at all happen is explained to have happened and then become the accepted reasoning for why one did such and such thing. Alarming if political media in US is able to do that.

What this shows also is that there are a good number of people who do indeed reason such that they are swayed on some 'cultural' topic, that this is a central factor for them in how they vote. Nevermind the fact that it isn't true in this case, that's a separate topic, though interlinked. These people considered it a good enough reason to vote against the candidate who was "too much about the trans stuff and not real things for real people", and vote for fucking Donald Trump.

And even some liberals and Democrats, it seems, have come to believe this! Instead of finding their principles and sticking to them they are fighting these phantoms and thinking maybe we are too much so-and-so.
born to give

Re: Politics

Gramsci wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 2:15 am He’s on the money.
No, it's a straw man because he's claiming that the DNC strategy was to appeal to transgender people when it wasn't. It subtly shifts the blame from the establishment to people whose identities are simultaneously being exploited and attacked.

jirbling rake wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 4:30 am
ChudFusk wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:12 pm
ErickC wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 7:20 pmI think anyone who is LGBTQ or brown or female ought to seriously consider arming themselves, and I don't really care how upset white liberals who don't have to worry about getting beaten up or raped or shot get about it.
I’ve been saying this forever. Do we really want the fascists and fanatics to be the only ones with guns? Who do you think they have their AR-15 arsenals aimed at?
The problem with guns is that data shows most are used for suicides, domestic arguments, or against the owner in robberies/home protection/fights.
You know statistics can change, right? With responsible gun ownership and better mental health care (which we can provide ourselves as communities if we give a shit about each other). Nobody who is a suicide risk should be taking on the responsibility of a firearm in the first place.
Escape Rope / Black Mesa / Inflatable Sex Babies

Re: Politics

A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 1:13 am
Hairy Caul wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:23 pm Without more information about this individual, that is an unfair judgment.

The most powerful effect of being crushed by your material circumstances is a lack of mental/financial resources to adequately engage with the world you live in...
Do you think I survive in a hermetically-sealed, pristine bubble, you fucking dummy?

It's only an unfair judgement if you're someone else who never does a lick of necessary work, and is terrified of any heat or blame landing right across your useless shoulders.

Fuck off.
Yeesh, touched a nerve, eh?

I decline your invitation to fuck off, and invite you to not throw such a ridiculous tantrum in response to someone who said little more than, "I think you're being unfair to this person, you have absolutely no substantive information about, especially their living conditions--which can have a monumental effect on their ability to engage with the world beyond their survival."

'[N]ecessary work'? Christ, good luck trying to be the arbiter of whatever that is/entails.
f/k/a: chromodynamic

Re: Politics

no, elon and joe did not do this.

this is closer to the truth.
u/stalecheetoes wrote:I'm a solid middle class guy with a family, 36 years old. I voted for Obama twice, then Trump, then Biden, then Trump again. In local races, I vote for the best candidate regardless of party. I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I'm as solid purple as you can get. I'm not a huge redditor (as you can probably tell from my history). I can tell you exactly why people like me (and there are a lot of us.. not on Reddit because you guys are weirdly cultish about your left-leaning ideals. Just as much, if not more so than conservatives but I digress.

Kamala is NOT likeable whatsoever. In the 2020 primaries she garnered just 4% of the vote.. and that's among Democrats. She was the first to drop out because it was painfully obvious she did not belong there. When she was asked to be VP it was obviously due to identity politics. Biden doesn't poll well with minorities or women so she was supposed to check those boxes. This type of pandering is incredibly insulting to those of us who are mixed race. Secondly, the Democrats spent so much time hiding the fact that Biden was an empty shell. He should have backed out sooner so a proper primary could be done. Instead they shoehorned Kamala front and center. Folks. She. Has. Done. Nothing. She has no grasp on the policies she touts. She is an empty shell. There's a reason why she was the worst candidate in 2020. It has nothing to do with her race or gender. I PROMISE. Centrist voters aren't extreme left/right ideologues. We don't view the world through the lens of race like the far left and the far right. Yall are equally racist in our eyes. It's unbecoming and you need to quit focusing so much on it. Hands down she was just a bad candidate. Her biggest strength was she "Wasn't Trump", which is also why Biden got elected. We all knew he was an empty shell in 2020 but he wasn't Trump.

So why vote for Trump? No, I'm not on board with everything he says and does. Few voters think that way. When you voted for Hillary, did you agree with 100% of everything she said? If anyone acts this way toward their candidate, congrats - you're not an independent thinker. You're a lemming. I can respect people who say "I don't agree with everything this person has to offer, but on the few key things that affect me the most they align with my beliefs." I care more about buying groceries for my kids than about Palestine. I care more about affording gas so I can go to work more than I care about abortion rights. I have a duty and responsibility to my family and kids, and once those needs are met then I can start caring about frivolous causes that don't affect me directly. Right now, I don't have that luxury. If I were unmarried, childless, and in a different place in life - I'd probably be right there with you voting for Kamala, because I'd be willing to sustain another 4 years of economic hardship with an airheaded candidate simply to preserve a handful of ideological tenets. You may be saying to yourself, "Wow, this guy sold out our country for his own benefit.".. No. I sold out YOUR candidate to preserve my way of life. Just like you'd sell out my candidate to preserve yours.

All Democrats had to do was put in someone who was halfway competent. Instead they chose the worst possible person and forced it down everyones throat, and then used every media avenue available to try selling it as a good idea. Guys. Trump swept EVERY SINGLE swing state. Which means every state that has centrist voters saw and believed the same thing I did. Don't blame Trump. He hasn't changed since 2016. Don't blame his loyalists, they were going to vote for him no matter what. Democrats lost this election all by themselves. Between cringe SNL cameos, word salad speeches, ducking the media, altered interviews, and fake pandering (yes Trump did this too, but Kamala was SO much worse at it).

I come on Reddit today and see EVERYONE just melting down. Get yourselves together. You weren't beaten by Trump, you were beaten by your own people who fled the Democrat establishment. Either they went and voted for Trump, or they just didn't vote at all. You can hate people like me, in fact knowing this community I'm going to get thrashed because I'm an outsider to this echo chamber (and it is). Which will also be another reason moderates are fleeing the left. You all worship diversity as if it's the only goal - except when it's diversity of thought. I'm not a hard-left "vote blue no matter who" person, therefore I'm seen as the enemy to a lot of you.

You may not like it, but it's as close to honest as I can get with you, at least from my perspective. The world may seem like its ending for some of you because of your blind hatred for Trump, but beyond the name calling, nasty words, and being mean - you survived his first four years. Many of you prospered, in fact. Look for the silver linings. At least late night TV will be funny again!
ChudFusk wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2024 1:36 amenjoy your red meat.
Krev wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:58 pmEnjoy your Hydroxychloroquine

Re: Politics

agiant wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 6:23 am
I'm a solid middle class guy with a family, 36 years old. I voted for Obama twice, then Trump, then Biden, then Trump again.
conclusion: he doesn't vote for women
Ding ding.. even followed with "Kamala isn't likeable". Maybe she should have smiled more.. FFS

Re: Politics

Pandering. God, I hate that word when used by MAGA. As if talking to and identifying with those who have a uniquely shared history is pandering. But Trump can kick it with criminal dimestore rappers and have the most minstrelsy politicians caping for him while selling tacky gold sneakers and that's not seen as pandering. Fuck every single person who voted for him. Sorry not sorry for your Trumpy parents and grandparents but fuck them in the ear.
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

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