Re: Politics

The thing about firearms is that most people I know aren’t carrying while out and about, but rather keeping them at home. I never thought I’d ever own one but my nesting partner taught me how to use and clean hers and we keep the ammo and one of the essential parts locked in separate boxes that each of us only knows the code for one of. The main thing is that if it comes to the point where our existence as we know it becomes illegal, being put in prison without access to hormones (something Trump is almost certain to ban, I feel so, so much for my sisters in prison right now) and being subject to v-coding and severe continual sexual assault/rape is a fate worse than death for us. We want to make arresting us as much of a deterrent as possible, even if we know it’s likely the end of the road for us at that point. That’s the grim reality many of us are living in right now

Re: Politics

Hex wrote: The thing about firearms is that most people I know aren’t carrying while out and about, but rather keeping them at home. I never thought I’d ever own one but my nesting partner taught me how to use and clean hers and we keep the ammo and one of the essential parts locked in separate boxes that each of us only knows the code for one of. The main thing is that if it comes to the point where our existence as we know it becomes illegal, being put in prison without access to hormones (something Trump is almost certain to ban, I feel so, so much for my sisters in prison right now) and being subject to v-coding and severe continual sexual assault/rape is a fate worse than death for us. We want to make arresting us as much of a deterrent as possible, even if we know it’s likely the end of the road for us at that point. That’s the grim reality many of us are living in right now
Fair enough. Not so different from the average sensible duck hunter in that department. Which is more than fine w/me. That's not an unreasonable justification at all.

My fear is that were this to become a trend rather than an infrequent thing, way too many people who shouldn't would end up carrying, and way too few would be as prudent as you're being about it. Right wingers, firearms enthusiasts, cops, and criminals are carless enough w/their guns as it is for my tastes.

Re: Politics

I definitely think there’s gonna be an uptick in gun violence and mass shootings under this administration, and politicians will continue to deflect and lie about it and pursue “solutions” that only lead to more.

Re: Politics

OrthodoxEaster wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 7:50 pm Just wanted to thank you for these well-researched rebuttals, Koko, and for having the energy when I no longer do. Very much appreciated. I salute you in calling out disinformation and propaganda.

As for why the stuff draws in so many, I think the reasons are several and not always connected - people are drawn in from different mileus, by different logics. A key factor though is that anglophone Russia Today was able to plant itself and grow in the middle of early 2010s internet subculture, tailoring its content around what was popular with people in those circles, pulling in Ron Paul fans, Joe Rogan listeners, conspiracy buffs, psychedelics enthusiasts and others harbouring crude forms of political dissent in the West. As much as RT invented its own material it took advantage of what was already present in their audience - distrust of media and information, providing "the other side" of the story, the notion of "mainstream" or "official" narratives vs alternative ones, and the tendency to form identities around this, which was already happening in each of these folks' own bubbles. And their content was also good productions and entertaining and different from what you were used to, whether in terms of reporting or otherwise - can you imagine a news channel anywhere in the West having Joe Rogan on to talk about DMT? Or Alex Jones recounting his visit to the Bohemian Grove?

I didn't watch RT much, didn't follow news closely, but I noticed the resonance of that kind of content in my environment. Folks who weren't strongly political saying things like "Putin tells the truth about things", and as you say they're able to take advantage of the hypocrisies of their opponents too in this regard. It's able to create a kind of passive opposition, and articulate a form of everyman-dissent.

But like I said backgrounds are varied, so more important probably is the propaganda itself, how it looks and what it does. And in the case where stories like these are indeed originated in or circulated by Russian outlets, then they are quite literally just disinfo weapons. Of course it would then be maddening to try to discuss them.
born to give

Re: Politics

And America said, "the education system has failed for decades, and we voted in a lying felon who was previously America's worst president." Congrats, Vladimir!
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.

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