Re: Politics

Krev wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 10:07 am You notice those two idiots are assigned to an agency with the acronym "DOGE"? I can't wait for acting Secretary of Defense Terry "Hulkster" Bollea.
It's unclear if it's even going to be an actual agency. None of these fucks have any actual clue of the role of government.

Of course Musk is capable of ruining a thing associated with a cute shiba inu.

Re: Politics

Musk is just a troll sitting on a horde of gold pretending to be a dragon. But maybe we could get some interest from the right into investing into alternative energy because Musk owns Tesla? I dunno, it's the only positive spin on his involvement that I can think of. I think Trump probably promised to remove all the lawsuits and regulation on his government contracts.

I bet we're going to see SS moved into something like a 401k or ROTH type of portfolio, which would make a lot of money for money managers. The irony might be that the market could finally have direct effect on all Americans, for better or for worse.

Most likely we'll just get 4 years of massive looting and corruption.

Re: Politics

losthighway wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:11 pm And leave it to Trump to put up an AG who's currently under investigation for sex trafficking. This is one classy government!
The obvious reason--and it doesn't take much brain power to figure this out--is that he left congress to avoid an ethics scandal and being such a sycophantic, Trump probably offered him a cabinet position. Because this is not going to be a serious cabinet. This is going to be a cabinet designed to be entertaining and anyone willing to kiss Trump's ring will get a chance to be a part of it. I was listening to a podcast recently that described Trump as the living embodiment of Television, and I couldn't agree more.

Expect a lot of chaos, a completely different cabinet every six months. I mean, we could only hope for, I suppose.

Apparently, one of the most recent top Google searches is "How can I change my vote?"

EDIT: I was looking this up and learned about who was tapped for Secretary of Defense. I am speechless. Enjoy the next four years.

Re: Politics

Clown Car Republicanism.

To anyone who voted for Trump and didn't see this coming: Sorry, you're not too bright.

To anyone who voted for Trump but doesn't have buyer's remorse yet: Don't worry, you'll have a lot more opportunities in the next several years. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, the people who didn't will any of this into being are gonna have to suffer along with you.

The Republicans won fairly big last week, but between them and the Democrats, the GOP will always be the party of anti-intellectualism. These nominations are doing nothing to deter this perception. In fact, Trump has undermined the very idea of expertise among top brass, that in order to hold a top-ranking position a person needs any qualifications whatsoever. Good luck with all of this in times of crisis.

I saw Idiocracy for the first time the other week, thought it was largely amusing. But honestly even before these nominations this week, the part that tracked the most was a stupid society having a cabinet full of incompetents.

ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

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