C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

Crap-good riddance
Total votes: 7 (37%)
Not crap-shouldn't happen to anybody
Total votes: 7 (37%)
Who cares?
Total votes: 5 (26%)
Total votes: 19

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

I don’t give a shit about “morality”. Fucking show me a “moral”, let me see it, touch it, detect it in any way whatsoever. What I do give a shit of is the very, very real pain and suffering I and countless others have experienced and continue to suffer through. Certain moral rules might generally reduce that, but those rules are fucking worthless if they aren’t in service to real, tangible, *felt* effects, not the other way around. The second you place your “morality” over actual lived experiences, you’ve lost the fucking plot. You might be able to watch as thousands of us are made to suffer and die and feel content that at least you “took the high road”, but I sure as hell won’t, nor do I even have the luxury to.

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

When you remove all context and flatten this down to “normalizing murder”, you make it sound bad. I only want to normalize murder of powerful people who use their positions to cause massive amounts of marginalized people suffering and death, thank you very much.

Like, damn, your arguments could literally be used against people rising up against the Nazis. I see no one here has bothered to tackle that in the several times I’ve brought it up. You’d sooner sacrifice every trans person for the sake of “stability”, aka letting fascists hold massive amounts of power and this shit perpetuating itself over and over and over again. Should Jews have just gone quietly to the camps? Slaves just not make too much of a fuss lest they face the wrath of their owners? Fuck off
Last edited by Hex on Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

What you are suggesting to people like me when you say shit like that is that we shut up and suffer and die like good trannies lest “we” (because of course it’s *our* fault, not our oppressors) make things worse (even though they are getting worse *anyways*). Same fucking logic used to denigrate victims of rape. Fuck off and I pray you never find yourself in the position I and my community are in
Last edited by Hex on Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

One of the main reasons I and many others are celebrating this is because I want people to move beyond the simplistic, childish view that “physical violence = bad no matter what”. I want them to consider why they aren’t ok with that but are almost completely unbothered by systemic violence. I want them to consider the violence the state threatens, question why that’s acceptable, why they should go along with these archaic rules that serve the wealthy and primarily protect positions of power. When stuff like this is celebrated, it not only causes the wealthy to second-guess the shit they pull, but it gets people to examine their own preconceptions about what is considered violence and why some forms of it are accepted even though they cause far more suffering. The only hope we have against ever-escalating trans genocide is to get people to freaking not go along with laws that are killing us. The only hope we have for *anyone* to not have to live under a capitalist hellscape is for enough people to say “fuck the law” and stop allowing these bastards power, to stop allowing these systems that allow such power in the hands of so few so we *won’t* have to continually resort to this. And it’s been a breath of fresh air to see so many people openly celebrate this event because they understand how fucked up these systems are and how they aren’t going to be fixed through being compliant.

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

jeff fox wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:48 pm
Geiginni wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:09 pm I would argue that, by extension, any of us with a 401k, IRA, or mutual funds are just as complicit. How much of your retirement is tied up in healthcare? Insurance? Pharmaceuticals?
Yeah, the older you get, the older you realize that you are inside the pyramid scheme. It’s fucked.
My thoughts on music: https://ediblesaudibles.com/

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

akosinski wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 8:29 pm
jeff fox wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:48 pm
Geiginni wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:09 pm I would argue that, by extension, any of us with a 401k, IRA, or mutual funds are just as complicit. How much of your retirement is tied up in healthcare? Insurance? Pharmaceuticals?
Yeah, the older you get, the older you realize that you are inside the pyramid scheme. It’s fucked.
so i am pretty high and tried to respond to jeff’s response but then accidentally deleted it and typed in my response but now it looks like jeff wrote my response so if it sounds smart remember i wrote it and if it sounds dumb that doofus jeff wrote it.

this topic fascinates me i understand the glee and feel it myself yet i also don’t feel angry about those who don’t feel the glee BUT cannot handle those that seem to be shocked that one would find the glee.

does that make sense?
My thoughts on music: https://ediblesaudibles.com/

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

eephus wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 6:41 pm If you think normalizing murder is some kind of balm or even solution for your very real suffering, I don't know what to tell ya.
Homie, it's already normalized in the form of war, policing, prison, capitol punishment, and limited access to healthcare, housing, food, and water. These are all things that can and do cause death, are socially accepted and legally sanctioned. While I believe that education and cross-cultural communication can improve some of our circumstances, there is no educating those whose livelihood and wealth depend on our exploitation and suffering. We aren't going to win over our oppressors by appealing to their compassion. Nothing is left but to either find a safe place to hide (which only the privileged can access) and look the other way while the misery continues), or to defend ourselves, or to die. I am lucky enough to have a place to hide, which is why I am not out merking the ruling class. But if you think that murder isn't already normalized and provided as a solution to many problems, then I have a bridge to sell you.
Escape Rope / Black Mesa / Inflatable Sex Babies

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