C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

Crap-good riddance
Total votes: 7 (37%)
Not crap-shouldn't happen to anybody
Total votes: 7 (37%)
Who cares?
Total votes: 5 (26%)
Total votes: 19

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

At the heart of all the comments here is a deep hatred of the US healthcare system.

It is a system designed to control and pacify the American population. By tying your healthcare to your employment (generally) it creates a very unbalanced power dynamic between worker and boss… they can take away your healthcare. Since you can fire anyone at anytime for almost no reason (as long as it’s not discrimination) that becomes amplified. This also discourages organised labour, guaranteed vacation days, parental leave etc.

It’s one of the cleverest means of social control devised by democrat state.

The reason the people that rule the US will fight to the death against publicly funded universal healthcare is the whole system collapses if that happens.

A living minimum wage, federal minimum vacations, paid parental leave, stronger labour rights are all held back by a private insurance healthcare system.
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

i was

gotdamn wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:25 am
hbiden@onlyfans.com wrote: they'll just raise your premiums and invest in more security guards.
I imagine there was someone just like you at the crucifixion of Christ.

"Huh! Some son of God, eh? Last we'll ever hear about that!"

Why don't you go join a circus or become a Scientologist or something equally useless?
ChudFusk wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2024 1:36 amenjoy your red meat.
Krev wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:58 pmEnjoy your Hydroxychloroquine

Re: C/NC: Gleeful reactions to horrible events happening to people we don't like

Yeah, there's no way around the fact that the health care system in America has had an insidious coercive relationship to labor, all but forcing many people to work, and keeping them in line. That a lot of people (employers, insurance companies) have profited enormously over this should go without saying.

If a CEO gets killed and the valuation of his company plummets, though, that's one thing. The status quo getting a complete overhaul would be another.
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