Re: Extreme Weather Event Thread

My kid goes to UCLA.
She abandoned campus when they went remote Th/Fri, went 70mi south with a bunch of friends.
Blue sky down there. The air on campus got really terrible right before they left.

All signs are that UCLA/Westwood -should- be OK but who knows.
It's located fairly strategically in terms of that kind of stuff.

She's been super level-headed about it.
Kids her age have been through a lot, plus she's been through a lot of extra stuff with people dying etc.
Way way way more than I had until I was in my mid-30s, at least.

Anyway it's one of those "be there but stay out of the way unless they have trouble" times in parenthood.
So far they've made what seemed like the right moves and they're doing well.
Main question now is whether to go back to campus to get more clothes...
They're leaning toward no unless the fire is beaten back and the campus still goes remote next week.

Just her snapshots from her dorm window were really crazy.

I know more than a few people who know people who lost all their stuff. All alive though, so far.

Re: Extreme Weather Event Thread

Stupid question, but is fire considered weather? Of course I know that climate is directly connected with these fires, but I hadn't considered that fire itself could be a form of weather. "Forecast tonight is smoky, with a high chance of blaze throughout the morning and some ash on your evening commute"

I can't imagine what it's like to lose everything so fast. I spent my childhood in LA County and it didn't take long to develop the sense that humans are not supposed to be there. I remember even back then it seemed like every week there was a landslide with multiple luxury homes sliding into the ocean. Add the earthquakes and smog and 100+ degree weather and it was a rather inhospitable place.
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