NC. I really like many of the records that've emerged under his name, and I admire a great deal of his recording & support work with other musicians.
I'm not a big fan of
Happy, Singing, though, and its placement in a list supposedly about the most air-quotes genre of all time doesn't make a bit of sense, but that was Pitchfork for you.
I've never really been troubled by the preconception that someone who turns their effort to a broad span of styles of music must be inherently inauthentic, although I can appreciate how it might appear in a wider context of many guys who put out 17 iffy albums a year. I've never felt that overptodyction schtick is his thing.
Joshua Minsoo Kim's
interview with Jim in Tone Glow is really interesting if you're even slightly curious about him.
For someone I've been listening to intently for about 25 years, I'm not sure what I'd introduce someone with. I think probably
Sleep Like It's Winter or
The Visitor, or the Brise-Glace LP.