Re: May we please revive "Lyrics you sing wrong because they make you laugh?"

I'll be honest, most lyrics are pretty forgettable, so when I sing a song, it's usually in a goofy exaggerated yarl voice, and the lyrics typically become some combination of "hurgle" and "burgle." As a Pearl-Jammy example:

Hurgs his turgle on a burgle made of hergen
Hey yeah

Spam a monkey higgs a turgle berg

Turgen berkel smerg a hurger burger

Hergel tergel burger merkel herger
Ooooo yeah

Therts arrerv a turgle berg
Nyyyahhh eeger blow
So he hergle turgle berg
EEEEEEeeeeesomewhirr herg
Something herg his lerf a-whirr
And bargel farg
Spam a lam
Spam a tergle berg
Lerf a whir
Lerf a whirr
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: May we please revive "Lyrics you sing wrong because they make you laugh?"

Soundgarden, The Day I Tried To Live…

Singing one more time around (Matt Damon)
One more time around (Matt Damon)
One more time around (Matt Damon)
One more time around (Matt Damon)
The day I tried to live, yeah
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

Re: May we please revive "Lyrics you sing wrong because they make you laugh?"

ErikG wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:01 pm "Burgers n' friiiies....Burgers n' friiies..../ ev'ry single meal we'z eatin' burgers n' friiiies...."
Is that the ole INXS? When a tune is popular and gets stuck in my head but I don't know the actual words, strange things can happen.

Here comes Llewellyn
Look in his eyes
Head like a melon
Exceptional size

And the chorus

Devil inside, devil inside
Every hippopotamus, the devil inside

... which is accurate, as hippos are extremely aggressive.

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