Hello Friends,
We are quietly looking for a buyer for our Neotek Elan.
Neotek Elan is a ’92 metal frame made in Chicago 32 channel model with a left hand patch bay and built in stand.
We’ve owned and maintained the console since we got it in 1999.
Console package includes a
complete wiring harness that would go to just about anything you’d want to hook (Tape machine/convertors, outboard gear, 2 track recorder, 2 sets of speakers etc). We added rows and maxed out the patch bay. The power supply was recently rebuilt by Roger Deller at Electric Lady. The console also has a new bolster. All the wiring comes in from below the console. Most is on Elco connectors, the rest is directly wired directly to the bay.
It’s had an op amp mod done to the 2 bus by Pro Audio & Design in Boston. Faders 31 and 32 are not working well but the channel returns are. Most everything else is in very good shape. Also included is the full manual.
The console is 76” long and is not too difficult to transport. The legs come off for moving. Removing the channel modules is not needed to move the console.
Please let me know if you know anybody who might be interested in our rig. We’ve had it since ’99 and it’s
been really solid performer for for us. There are photos of the console at
www.cowboytechnical.com and at our Instagram page.
The console is in Brooklyn would be available sometime late March/April of this year.
$8.5 k all in.
Thank you.