lost highway wrote:
If you and I were at a rock show together and some Nazi skins showed up and were trying to stomp you, fuck yeah I'd get in the mix and I can't even recall your actual first name.
I genuinely appreciate this! But I disagree with your perspective that the violence I am thinking of is hypothetical. Just because it hasn't happened to me doesn't mean it isn't happening to someone else.
AttackChimp wrote:I've taken three beatings in my life for other people. I personally consider that as having someone's back. Do you think taking a beating for you counts as hiving your back, or do I actually need to spontaneously crush someone's skull under a cinderblock?
I fought a guy for attacking his gf/partner on a public bus, in addition to accosting some asshole for kicking a homeless woman's shoes onto train tracks (he ran away), and stopping the harassment of a lesbian couple on a bus by interjecting myself into the situation. I don't know how to respond to your post. Yes, I think fighting alongside me counts as having my back. I certainly wouldn't ask a pacifist to take a beating for me, nor would I expect one to interject themself into a situation that calls for violence.
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell