akosinski wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:51 pm
one thing is sure, we can vote our way out of this.
depends on who you nominate.
prof Ned Foley wrote: A Condorcet-consistent voting system, named after the French mathematician who developed the idea, will always elect any candidate who a majority of voters prefer compared head-to-head to each other candidate. A Condorcet-consistent system is thus well-suited to deal with the problem of polarization because it will elect the centrist whose own supporters plus voters on the left prefer to the polarizing candidate on the right and whose own supporters plus voters on the right prefer to the polarizing candidate on the left.…
If IRV had been used to determine the winner, Donald Trump still would have beaten Kamala Harris. But as I’ve explained elsewhere, Trump’s victory over Harris is a clear case of the “center squeeze” problem. If a Condorcet-consistent electoral system had been in place that enabled a third candidate in between these two to demonstrate majority support against each head-to-head, that third candidate—presumably, a rule-of-law Republican like Nikki Haley (or possibly Larry Hogan)—would have won the election instead of Trump.