Re: Small questions that don't fit anywhere

adavidmackinnon wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:10 pm Are you sure it 50Kohm and not 50 ohm? Lots of old ribbons and dynamics like the Altec salt-shaker mics we're super low impedance. If that's the issue then one of these is great - I got one for my salt shaker and it's a totally different animal.

If the mic is in fact 50Kohm then you can run a DI. It's worth experimenting to find one that does the best job.
Definitely 50K. It's an Aiwa VM-15. I've been reading around and it seems replacing the transformer is the thing to do. Lacking good info on the original transformers though (for the 50K or 600ohm versions) identifying the most ideal transformer is a bit of a challenge. Research continues...

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