Director: Clint Eastwood

Total votes: 5 (38%)
Not crap
Total votes: 8 (62%)
Total votes: 13

Re: Director: Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood may be a shit racist obsessed with violence, revenge, and vigilantism, but here's something to think about.

In every one of the movies he directs, his makes a point of portraying firearms with 100% technical and chronological authenticity. The types of guns he chooses, the way the guns behave, their accuracy, recoil strength, damage potential and wound severity, are all taken into account when Clint plots a scene. Often Clint's guns will feature historically accurate models, configurations, technical conversions, and rechamberings in order to serve the plot and to impress the gun weenies.

And Clint's gunfight scenes also pay close attention to ammo capacity and number of shots fired. A Clint Eastwood movie will never show you a handgun-wielding gangster blasting away for 5 minutes straight with apparently infinite ammo like in a John Woo film. Clint makes sure to keep a running tally of all the shots from each piece and have his characters reload whenever appropriate for each model.

In this way, the guns themselves are treated almost as characters in their own right. Sometimes he even builds plot points around the functionality of the firearms.

Practically every gun nut website on the Internet has a gushing tribute to ol' Clint, with detailed rundowns of all the iconic firearms used in his movies.

Don't know how this might factor in to your decision, but there it is.

Re: Director: Clint Eastwood

numberthirty wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 3:21 am
rsmurphy wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:19 am Having never watched an Eastwood-directed film I have nothing of substance to add to this thread, but as a kid I did enjoy that movie with the orang outan.
You've never seen Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil or Million Dollar Baby?
Oh, snap! MitGoGaE was dope. Giving him a NC on that and the one with the orang outan.
Justice for Emily Pike, Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Director: Clint Eastwood

JohnAlbert wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 4:59 am In this way, the guns themselves are treated almost as characters in their own right.
The scene in TGBU where Tuco rushes into the general store and takes apart four different guns to make the one he wants to use - that's Eli Wallach using a gun as a prop. That scene in particular shows the genius of Wallach's performance. Gun as prop.


I have to admit, Play Misty For Me is a goddamn banger. Jessica Walter scares the fuck out of me. He's perfect in the role., begrudgingly I accept that Clint Eastwood is an excellent director.

Re: Director: Clint Eastwood

AttackChimp wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 9:52 am
JohnAlbert wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 4:59 am In this way, the guns themselves are treated almost as characters in their own right.
The scene in TGBU where Tuco rushes into the general store and takes apart four different guns to make the one he wants to use - that's Eli Wallach using a gun as a prop. That scene in particular shows the genius of Wallach's performance. Gun as prop.


I have to admit, Play Misty For Me is a goddamn banger. Jessica Walter scares the fuck out of me. He's perfect in the role., begrudgingly I accept that Clint Eastwood is an excellent director.
That scene is about ten times better in The Quick And The Dead.

Re: Director: Clint Eastwood

rsmurphy wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 6:26 am
numberthirty wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 3:21 am
rsmurphy wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:19 am Having never watched an Eastwood-directed film I have nothing of substance to add to this thread, but as a kid I did enjoy that movie with the orang outan.
You've never seen Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil or Million Dollar Baby?
Oh, snap! MitGoGaE was dope. Giving him a NC on that and the one with the orang outan.

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