by jfv
Ok, I made it through. Had to listen to the YouTube video of the album because I don't actually own a copy anymore (had it on CD, which went bye-bye a while ago).
Thoughts in sequence:
1) I just about stopped through three songs. Not much to keep me motivated. Am I really doing this?
2) Despite hearing both of them way too many times, "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)" and "Mother" are still pretty darned awesome. Something to keep me going.
3) It's a slog for a while after that, though I do like "Young Lust".
4) The second half of the album starts out strong. Big fan of "Hey You", "Nobody Home", and "Vera".
5) I've heard "Comfortably Numb" and "Run Like Hell" too many times and they have lost their luster for me more than some of the other "hits".
6) I just wanted the album to end after that.
Overall thoughts:
1) It's way too fucking long.
2) I would say there are five or six excellent songs on the album.
3) There are way too many "songs" that are just there to push the plot.
4) It's not close in quality to the best Floyd albums, which (IMO) are the four or five that immediately precede this one.
5) If I want to listen to a concept album about a disillusioned young man, Quadrophenia >> The Wall
6) This is tough but CRAP; WF: 7
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)