by Hex
I know this is small beans in the grand scheme of things but am not doing well. In addition to all the genocidal anti-trans laws happening and the civil stalking protective order case I’m in the middle of regarding my partner’s ex who had been stalking and threatening us, I got scammed out of $100 by stubhub this morning overpaying for Autechre tickets because I didn’t know they were resellers. I don’t have a lot of money and I’d never dropped more than $50 on tickets to a concert before in my life but I’d missed too many of my favorite artists who had died or stopped performing and this was their first tour here in a decade and I had a little bit of cash from my first disability income payment and I impulsively bought a ticket because a few of my friends were going and I was led to believe by the website that there were only a few left and that I was purchasing from the venue and that was the normal price. It wasn’t until afterwards I found out they were resellers and I paid almost 3x the actual cost.
I decided to purchase another ticket directly from the venue for only around $40 total, which I learned wasn’t close to selling out and was widely available, thinking I could get a refund for the other one as I only bought it a few minutes earlier and was directly misled, but I wrestled with customer service for over an hour for a refund to no avail. I gave up and have just completely broken down. I just blew almost $150 of money that I barely have between the tickets and I have so many things I’m already struggling with and I’ve been a crying mess this morning as a result. I hate so much to ask but I could really use some money to help make up for my impulsivity and ignorance, and am going to do everything I can to make sure this doesn’t happen again
EDIT nevermind I don’t want any money, please if you want to send anything send money to a trans person trying to flee a red state or risking deportation or in Palestine or anyone else who needs it more