LP: The Cars

Not Crap
Total votes: 19 (90%)
Total votes: 2 (10%)
Total votes: 21

Re: LP: The Cars

This was the first record I bought with my own money, at a store called the American Pants Company. They sold jeans, records, and probably the roach clips with feathers that high school girls wore in their hair when walking on the wild side.
Formerly LouisSandwich and LotharSandwich, but I can never recover passwords somehow.

Re: LP: The Cars

LuciousSandwich wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 8:03 pm This was the first record I bought with my own money, at a store called the American Pants Company. They sold jeans, records, and probably the roach clips with feathers that high school girls wore in their hair when walking on the wild side.
Hey shithead. You see all the turds dropped in this thread? Maybe these people deserve your fucking lame ass condescension also. No? Can't virtue signal off it?

Motherfucker has to say shit. He's offended by people dropping hot dook in other people's threads. Half the posts on this site are turd-drops. Gimme a fucking break with your superior bullshit.

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