re: movies you have watched thread.

my exhusband ..controlling yes and i can't .. i'm this rambo daphne zuniga space balls to his perfect hair what's his face

he rescued me from abuse.. he is a hott shot and that isn't even my type he's too sexy and then i'm his because i need a man who could go up against such chivalry looks like the kinda dude who uses his soul for good

re: movies you have watched thread.

he never wanted one chick and i never wanted some beautiful dude.. he slays people at computers, cards, and woodworking.. he is obsessed with every part of my body

what makes me a foolish to look for a king? i knew a proposed destiny and we.. found each other .. he is the one who needs me by his word.. he is the one and i am a fool ff princess .. i wanted a way to keep my oppressors .. i defiant

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

I watched The Fifth Element for the first time in 20 years. I was surprised how bad it was, considering I liked it at the time. Incredibly dated.
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

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