Band: Green Day

Total votes: 57 (58%)
Total votes: 42 (42%)
Total votes: 99

Band: Green Day

LAD, you gots it all kindsa backwards and shit. I'm rockin' the new record right now and it melts/slays my face!

In its musical muscle and sweeping, politically charged narrative, it's something of a masterpiece, and one of the few -- if not the only -- records of 2004 to convey what it feels like to live in the strange, bewildering America of the early 2000s.

This is from AMG and I agree.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Band: Green Day

i liked dookie. and i liked that song ''brain stew'' but other than that they really just didnt have anything i found i liked. i saw a poster in guitar center a while ago with green day on it and they were acting really retarted and i jsut despise the drummer. they all look so phony. i heard that the singer said they were more punk than the sex pistols...what in the world?

total CRAP

Band: Green Day

One of those moments:

Watching Green Day on stage at Gilman St. some time in 1989. We played a nice little show with them. I've never seen that many kids trying to get into Gilman at one time.

I remember thinking, "Man, these kids have turned into a great band. They do what they do just right. They're going to be huge, and they are going to have a trillion lame ass fans."

I think I nailed that one.

NOT crap.

Band: Green Day

Billy Joe is quite a songsmith. I reserve that title for very few individuals.

Not Crap, :wf: 2

(for the two mediocre albums)

BTW: Warning is their best album. And that song 'Blvd. of Broken Dreams is a blatent rip off of Wonderwall by Oasis.
be good or be good at it....

Band: Green Day

Green Day was one of the first bands i started listening to
(i grew up listening to a lot of classical music because of my parents, and
being in orchestra)

Kerplunk is a GREAT record, and I still listen to it on occasion.
I even went out and bought the new album, and what can i say,
i like it.

BTW: Warning was the only album they made that made me
question my musical taste - that album was horrible

NOT CRAP :WF: 4 (strictly because of Warning...and maybe because of the eye makeup)

Band: Green Day

I regard Green Day as a "Gateway band", kind of like a gateway drug only not as good.

For instance a 12 year kid sees Green Day's brand of easy listening pop-punk on MTV and buys the record -more likely downloads it for free- and... to cut a long story short- he is buying Clash and old punk records a few years later instead of the latest Justin Timberlake single for is girlfriend.

That has to be a good thing...

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