
Total votes: 47 (72%)
Not Crappe
Total votes: 18 (28%)
Total votes: 65

Chain: Starbucks

If you are in the middle of bumfuck, egypt and your options are a gas station coffee or Starbucks, you'll soon appreciate the value of the Bucky pandemic.

In non-metropolitan Canada, for example, the options are Bucky, Tim Horton and draining your radiator into a thermos. Tim Horton (Canada's Number One Cup of Coffee!) is dead last in this run-off.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Chain: Starbucks

steve wrote:If you are in the middle of bumfuck, egypt and your options are a gas station coffee or Starbucks, you'll soon appreciate the value of the Bucky pandemic.

Given this scenario, I would just as soon drink soda instead. Or one of those high-falutin' energy drinks. Or my own urine. Whichever.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Chain: Starbucks

I like those Frappuccinos...the ones that are whipped up there and the ones in the bottles at the store. They are like melted coffee ice cream. Oh damn! They are desert. I like dessert, as my weight will attest to. I’m not a coffee drinker but I am a dessert ingester.

Chain: Starbucks

i'll have to agree that their coffee is pretty terrible,
but it beats Denny's coffee, and that's something.

they treat their employees really well, and for that i have to give them some credit.

also, during Christmas time, their Peppermint Frappuccinos are the best thing in the world.

not crap, wf 6 or 7, i can't decide.

Chain: Starbucks


I would like to vote CRAP, but Starbucks is the nearest coffee shop to my house and they don't mind little kids running around and jumping on the sofas. I don't go there much, but I do occasionally and my little daughter digs it when we do.


NOT CRAP. Very high :WF:

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