
Total votes: 47 (72%)
Not Crappe
Total votes: 18 (28%)
Total votes: 65

Chain: Starbucks

John W. wrote:I love how they can't just fucking hand you your coffee. They always have to set it down on the other side of the counter. I mean, for fucks sake... I'm the only guy in there buying a coffee, I extend my hand for them to give it to me when they're done doing their thing, and they avoid eye contact and set it down on the counter so I have to walk around and get it.

The only time I bought a coffee at starbucks, this is what soiled the experience.
There were like 15 fucking cups of coffee on the counter, waiting to be picked up. How do I know which is mine? Why does purchasing a cup of coffee have to turn into some sort of head game? Am I supposed to be grateful that someone is selling me a coffee? So fuck them.

I'll still lean toward not crap for the simple fact that, unlike most other large retail concerns, they don't expect taxpayers to pick up the health insurance costs of their full-time employees and their families.
I guess it's sad when you're grateful that a bunch of millionaire executives have a minimal sense of social responsibility.

Chain: Starbucks

bumble wrote:I believe that part-time Starbucks employees can sign on to the health benefit program, as well.

Starbucks provides health insurance for all employees working 20 hours a week and up.

Wow. Colour me impressed:

Mr. Starbucks CEO wrote:Over the next two years, we will spend more for employee health-care costs than we will for coffee. That's quite a statement....Starbucks provides health insurance for all employees working 20 hours a week and up.

My vote has changed to Not Crap. If only all giant chains would follow suit.

Chain: Starbucks

Whenever I pass a Starbuck's I call to mind the scene in A Fistful Of Dollars in which the house is set alight and then all the people running out to escape the flames are shot in cold blood.

I like to imagine this happening with each Starbuck's I walk past.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

Chain: Starbucks

I've never had a problem with their business practices, proliferation, or marketing.

What I do have a problem with is their shitty roasting. Someone has to tell them that when you burn the fuggin' beans, it's not dark roast, it's fuggin' burned coffee. Their roasting absolutely sucks. If they start roasting better, and better beans, than they can make non-shit coffee, and I will drink it.

And that would make life a little easier when I'm stuck in an airport, or downtown, or the suburbs, or in California and I can't get even a half-decent cup anywhere else.

But kudos to them on their semi-socially-concious business practices...

Chain: Starbucks

venti iced caramel macchiatto with extra caramel pleeeeeez! (and one less shot cause sometimes they burn that shit). yeah starbucks is actually a great employer. i mean, if you're into employment. i worked there as a teenager for a year, their benefits are retahded! plus you get lots of free shit.

Chain: Starbucks

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
placeholder wrote:I saw this horrible band called "Antigone Rising".

placeholder wrote:Aerosmith are The Worst Band In The World.

Here you go, placeholder!


These two bands deserve each other.

Salut, Bradley, for this picture of a summit between two Rock Superpowers!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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