
Total votes: 15 (79%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 4 (21%)
Total votes: 19

Beer-Foster s Lager

ironyengine wrote:Any beer that claims to be the prize of a country which largely abhors it (see also: Budweiser) is probably not worth drinking.

I was under the impression that Bud is the biggest selling beer in the US?


Beer-Foster s Lager

MissAnthrope wrote:not a fan.
its hard to drink it, even when its free,

On a related subject, there was a promo at work the other day for a year's free supply of Carling lager.

What are you supposed to do with that? Clean the oven?

Beer-Foster s Lager

Angus Jung wrote:There's some kind of fancier Foster's in a green can..? That stuff drinks pretty good.

I believe that is Foster's Special Bitter.

Hiwatt wrote:Point taken.

Indeed. Point is good beer.

MrFood wrote:Remember when it was called Carling 'Black Label'?

They still sell Carling Black Label here in Milwaukee. But I've never seen straight up Carling.

Beer-Foster s Lager

Champion Rabbit wrote:Apparently Carling is the best selling lager in the UK.

Really? Have you ever drunk it? Does anyone you know drink it? Your probably right but I find it a bit mysterious. I guess it has a football sponsorship connection.

stackmatic wrote:
Angus Jung wrote:There's some kind of fancier Foster's in a green can..? That stuff drinks pretty good.

I believe that is Foster's Special Bitter.


Is this it? I think it's called Victoria Bitter in Australia. I remember it being better than Foster's. I avoid Foster's at all costs. I like beer to have flavour. Budweiser tastes like Perrier to me. Not offensive in taste but more just the sensation of fizz on the tongue.

I would like to know what additives major breweries put in beer to give you such a bad hangover. I've brewed a fair amount of home-brew from kits in the past and never found it to have any ill effects the next day.

A friend of my dads worked for Bass in Northern Ireland and he said that they were looking to put Taurine in beer to get people to drink more. The reasoning being that beer made them tired if they drank it after work and the Taurine would wake them up and they would increase their intake. He also said that they had been trying to promote Staropramen there but they couldn't give it away, firstly because people couldn't pronounce the name easily and secondly because it didn't taste enough like fizzy water.

[EDIT: I was just reading that Taurine is essential for cats]

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