kick drum mics and phase

So, searching the archives I have found no previous discussion on this question: when mic'ing both the resonant and beater heads of a kick drum, which one is it best to reverse the phase on? there are arguments i've made to myself for flipping phase on either of the mics, and i'm bereft of logic at this point. your thoughts?

kick drum mics and phase

The mics are so far apart (relative to audio wavelengths) in this scenario that it may sound better without reversing the polarity of one of them. I always audition the whole kit with one or the other reversed, and then quickly try all the options. It doesn't take long.

In short, there is no "standard" method. You have to try all the combinations and see which one sounds best in context. Don't listen just to the bass drum. Listen to the whole kit and the room sound and the overheads -- everything -- before you decide.

good luck.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

kick drum mics and phase

Yeah, via an oscilloscope I find a bit of phasing problems with each, but the mics are not completely out of phase, perhaps 75% in-phase with each other. This % is unresponsive to adjusting the mics relative to the source - I always have some amount of the two signals out of phase.
As far as what sounds better, it's a toss up as well, no clear winner, and perhaps that's due to only having a few years of paying attention to phasing-related issues. I'll continue to try the different combinations, mostly during final mixes, perhaps in the context of the other instruments it will become more clear.
Thanks Steve - every time I have spoken with you, you've been most helpful and very considerate/effusive, one time taking an hour on the phone when originally stating you 'were on your way out the door.' Thank you.

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