
Total votes: 25 (42%)
not crap
Total votes: 34 (58%)
Total votes: 59

Band: Death From Above 1979

I saw them on Conan and agree that Max jumping behind the kit was gold, but I didn't like the song or the band's posturing. I've heard a couple of songs on the radio and didn't like them either. I guess DFA1979 = CRAP. I'd still listen to the rest of their album, though, and see if my mind is changed...
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Band: Death From Above 1979

placeholder wrote:I saw them on Conan and agree that Max jumping behind the kit was gold, but I didn't like the song or the band's posturing. I've heard a couple of songs on the radio and didn't like them either. I guess DFA1979 = CRAP. I'd still listen to the rest of their album, though, and see if my mind is changed...

You should do that. Seriously. I didn't think much of them until I heard them perform that song live. The rest of the CD brings it. Mild waffle on the vocals. Talking strictly execution here, they rock.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Band: Death From Above 1979

I have only heard one track, and from this track and what i have read about them in general, i led myself to believe they were a slightly poo poo Lightning Bolt.

Am i wrong? I am not for one minute trying to say i am right anyway that's for sure. Just the impression i've gotten from this and that, here and there, and whatnot, etc and etc.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

Band: Death From Above 1979

just saw the conan rerun, the first i've ever seen or heard from them... i liked it a lot. they definitely pulled off the 2-piece thing just fine. that guy had some really nice bass tones, i thought. what they played was plenty interesting.

reminded me of a band i'd see on accident, when they were playing a show with some other band, and i'd go "who are these guys?!?!" i'd go see them at the bottle, if for no other reason, then at least to see how they respond to a crowd of statues.

and yeah, hell yeah that was great the way the max thing went down. i figured it was just gonna end with no drums. and then max gets out there and starts playing this (compared to everything i've heard him play) really heavy rock stuff, and though there were a couple fills that were a little *iffy*, overall it was great.

that was NOT CRAP.
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.

Band: Death From Above 1979

I dig these DFA1979s. Someone told me that they were somehow related to LCD Soundsystem, which skewed my opinion toward the negative, but after listening to the album a few times I not only don't see any connection, at least musically, but I no longer care if such an association exists. I don't see the relation to Lightning Bolt either, any moreso than I would the Ruins (bass guitar and drums do not a soundalike make) but they definitely rock it.

I happened on the Conan repeat last week just in time to see Max jump on the drums, and he sure looked like he was having fun. Any band that Max Weinberg enjoys playing with that obviously cannot be too bad. So I vote not crap, with scarcely a waffle to be found.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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