
Total votes: 25 (42%)
not crap
Total votes: 34 (58%)
Total votes: 59

Band: Death From Above 1979

ironyengine wrote:I dig these DFA1979s. Someone told me that they were somehow related to LCD Soundsystem, which skewed my opinion toward the negative, but after listening to the album a few times I not only don't see any connection, at least musically, but I no longer care if such an association exists. I don't see the relation to Lightning Bolt either, any moreso than I would the Ruins (bass guitar and drums do not a soundalike make) but they definitely rock it.

James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem also produces stuff under the name 'Death From Above', which is why DFA1979 had to add the 1979 to their name.

I interviewed Sebastien from DFA1979 earlier this year. He said the comparisons to Lightning Bolt were just 'lazy journalism' and mentioned that he had heard that one of the Lightning Bolt guys referred to DFA1979 as 'Politening Bolt'. Whether this is true or not, it's fucking awesome.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Band: Death From Above 1979

Utterly Not Crap. I love their stuff, so much force going on. Also, I'm a slut for fuzz bass.

Slight WF because I'm not sure how much the can work with their sound as far as future releases go - but who knows, You're A Woman I'm A Machine rocked my socks.

Surfrider wrote:I have only heard one track, and from this track and what i have read about them in general, i led myself to believe they were a slightly poo poo Lightning Bolt.

Am i wrong? I am not for one minute trying to say i am right anyway that's for sure. Just the impression i've gotten from this and that, here and there, and whatnot, etc and etc.

Which track did you hear? Their first release had a lot more Lightning Bolt going on, but "You're A Woman, I'm A Machine" really doesn't share anything besides the bass/drums sonic spectrum. Lightning Bolt is noise rock, DFA1979 is, like, garage-dance-metal.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

Band: Death From Above 1979

my god! how have the good citizens of the EA forums allowed a band who raped and popularized the lightning bolt formula and made it so commercially viable as to integrate elements of fucking DISCO to earn anything other than a flat CRAP???? i cry for rhode island. tasteless radio rock Crap.

on the other hand, they want to be lightning bolt. :WF: .001

Band: Death From Above 1979

night_tools wrote:James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem also produces stuff under the name 'Death From Above', which is why DFA1979 had to add the 1979 to their name.

I interviewed Sebastien from DFA1979 earlier this year. He said the comparisons to Lightning Bolt were just 'lazy journalism' and mentioned that he had heard that one of the Lightning Bolt guys referred to DFA1979 as 'Politening Bolt'. Whether this is true or not, it's fucking awesome.

Thank you, night_tools! I am finally to understand this madness. So much clearer now, all of it.

I would not go see a band called "Politening Bolt," but that is a pretty awesome maybe-quote. I second the "lazy journalism" comment at any rate. From now on I'm going to refer to all bands that feature a bass guitar and drums as "lightning bolt." If the band has other instruments, they will be "lightning bolt +x" where x is the number of other instruments featured. Anyone going to the lightning bolt +5 show next weekend?
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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