Yea well, I’m sitting here on capitol hill… remember that song man, those great Saturday mornings when you would see school house rock? Man, that was the time to be a child in America. Of course, I was in my late twenties and Early thirties. And, guys… I did a lot of Coke back then. A whole heap of it. And I don’t mean the soft drink. Though I used to enjoy those too. The point is dudes… America.
You know what I don’t like about this messy-mess in Iraq guys, is the fact that a man like me has to get up in the morning and write these goddamned letters to young agitators like yourselves. You know what I mean? I’m a busy man, with a full plate over here with the day to day functions of running this big sweaty ball of filthy freedom we call America. I know you can appreciate that. So why do you make my Job harder here guys? Do you want me to write these embarrassing letters to you? Every goddamned time I have to write a friggin’ letter like this, I have to choke someone. That’s not what you wanted to hear, is it? It sure as shit wasn’t what the poor dead girl who is currently being led away from the building in the coffee cart into the underground bunkers you no doubt realize are under this place wanted to hear about when I set about writing this thing!! Every time I have to sit in front of the color-shiny box-a-buttons here and waste time making the words that you see on your damn internets… ohh…hell, I spilled my bowl of cereal here. Crappers…. Man,… I ruined my, well wait a minute there… YOU ruined my rug. Americas rug. From LBJ down to yours truly ate breakfast with their shoes off on this rug, and now… coco pebbles and the damn chocolate milk that comes with, have stained the majesty and, shit… the Freedom of this oval office and the American peoples freedom as well! How do you sleep at night you interneters? Well I’ll tell you what, I can answer that question for you when I list your fat asses an enemy combatants!!! Oh and You can bet those fat asses that if I can’t Oxy-Clean this rug here of all this mess you made your gonna be seeing my boys in the black suites come knocking at your doors. And dudes, don’t bother hiding, I’m the goddamned President!!!! You Dicks!!
Yea, well I gotta motor, I FINALLY found a non blocked website hocking the Paris Hilton Vid…
Taker easy Bra,
George W. Bush
President of the United States of America