
CRAP (No votes)
Total votes: 14 (100%)
Total votes: 14

Band: Medications

Truly, I don't like it.

Bought the ep, really liking all the Faraquet stuff I've heard (not much.)

I'm usually crazy about the dischord (and other dc) bands...

but not these guys.

I can't stand the way the vocal melody is so similar to the guitar melody, on a lot of songs.


I'm waiting for the next Antelope / Vertebrates / etc. band.

Band: Medications

I'll say not crap... Really, they're a great band.

But, I will say that I find it kinda grating/annoying when the vocals follow the guitar parts so closely. The concept wears thin for me, but I can't see the guy doing anything loose (vocally) over those guitar lines.

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