most offensive band names? (real or made up)

The Vaginal Fallout Band
Twat Spackle
Bloodbound Rapeswitch
Jailbait Burial Mound
Christ Molester
Shit My Son, Shit Forever
Calostomy Baghdad
Swastika Cock
The M-80 in the Anus Quartet Featuring Le Petomane
Insatiable Johnny Blade and The Spinning Electric Rectum
Anal Beast
Negros go home!
Born in the toilet
the Gag Reflex UK
The Retarded Piss Parade
My Mom Shits Gold
The Homosexual Vampires
Vomit Master
Deep Throat Dad and the Childless Couple
Faggot Mouth
The Grandmother Cunt Freak Out Society
The Wal-Mart Parking Lot All-Star Molestation Team
The Cocktopus
Rectum Expander and the Rings of Saturn
Scat Freak, Inc.
The Clitoral Jesus Chorus UK
Piss Wish Fountain
Breast Damage
Cock Monkey
Penile Riverboat
The Delicious Period
Babyskeleton Dreamcatcher
Menstration Squad
the Turd Flavored Airplanes UK
The New Masturbation Express featuring Niles LaGrange
The Black People
Touching Grampa's Balls
Last edited by Marsupialized_Archive on Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

most offensive band names? (real or made up)

Tipcat found the following band names offensive:

"Bitch Magnet
Vomit Launch
My Dad is Dead
Sweet Lickin' Honey Babes (Hampshire College band circa 1989)
Cockpit (all-female Hampshire College band circa 1992)"

First of all: You found the name "Sweet Lickin' Honey Babes" offensive?
Second: You REMEMBER Sweet Lickin' Honey Babes?
Third: Sorry we offended you, Tipcat.
Fourth: Good thing you were offended. Otherwise nobody'd remember us at ALL.

But seriously, when did you see us?
-- James, one of the surviving members of SLHB, who still plays bass.
The James Rocket: Because Nobody's Gonna Hear It If It Stays In A Shoebox

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